人教版英语必修五 Unit 3 Listening概要1.ppt

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人教版英语必修五 Unit 3 Listening概要1

Life in the future Listening ——许嫄 Have you heard of Mars? 火星,是太阳系八大行星之一。 火星与地球有许多相似之处。譬如,火星上有四季变化,也有白天和黑夜之分。火星绕太阳一周,约等于地球上的687天;自转一周,约需24时37分。火星上有大气,其主要成分是二氧化碳。火星上的引力是地球的三分之一。火星上有水,但是是凝结成冰的固态水。 Listen to the tape and tick those you hear space creatures living on another planet new discoveries(发现) in space why a space station spins(旋转) how to get water on Mars comets(彗星) houses in a town on Mars Martian creatures (火星人) atmosphere and gravity √ √ √ √ Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks What the listening material about? Can People Really Live on Mars? Li Qiang (LQ) is interviewing(采访) Walker Hiller (WH) on the space station about his idea for building a new town called “wonderworld” on Mars(火星). Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. LQ: Well, Mr. Hiller! Why did you think of building a new town on Mars? WH: It _________ astonishing(令人惊讶的), does it? I imagine that it’ll be difficult and the atmosphere(大气), gravity(引力), and climate(气候) will have to be just like the _________or nobody will travel there. sounds earth Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. LQ: Can you imagine how that’ll be achieved(实现)? WH: Yes, I think so. The atmosphere’s too hot and has no__________. So people couldn’t breathe Mars’ air and live. We’ll make a covered area for people to live in with a special __________ supply. oxygen air Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. LQ: Is it likely you can find and use water to keep the climate __________ to that on the earth? WH: Perhaps. We hope there’s _________ under the planet’s surface(表面). People will have to collect all the used water so it can be cleaned and _________ as rain. Then it can be used again to water plants and crops and provide clean drinking water (饮用水). similar recycled water Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. LQ: Yes. I suppose everyone will have to put their dirty water in special ___________. Even animals will have to be trained to go to the toi


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