人教版选修7第五单元unit5traveling abroad语言点答案概要1.ppt

人教版选修7第五单元unit5traveling abroad语言点答案概要1.ppt

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人教版选修7第五单元unit5traveling abroad语言点答案概要1

9. In the company of (a local guide) 10.Settle in 1.He boarded a plane for London. Leave for Shanghai..动身去上海 for sw.表示前往某地 2.The teacher recommended us to read this novel/fiction. The teacher recommended us reading this novel. 3.It is necessary for us to substitute a new chair for this broken one. 4.He is acknowleged to be the best player in the world. It is universally/widely acknowleged that he is the best player in the world. Taiwan is acknowledged to be (a ) part of China. It is universally acknowledged that Taiwan is (a ) part of China. 1)We hope to find /enjoy more convenience and comfort as well as good movies in your cinema. 2)As far as the crying child is concerned, a big hug from mother is likely to be a great comfort. We should comfort those who are sad. comfortable 6.Students are occupied with /in preparing for the coming mid-term exam. 1)a Because she occupied herself with routine office tasks ,she had no time to attend to her children. 原因状语从句:Because she occupied herself with routine office tasks,变作分词短语:Occupying herself with routine office tasks,做状语。 变化:去掉连词________,去掉主语____ 谓语动词occupied 变成分词:_________ 2)b Because she was occupied with routine office tasks ,she had no time to attend to her children. 原因状语从句:Because she was occupied with routine office tasks,变作分词短语:Occupied with routine office tasks,做状语。 变化:去掉连词________,去掉主语____ 去掉系动词:_________ Because she occupied herself with routine office tasks Sb occupy oneself with sth Because she was occupied with routine office tasks, Sb be occupied with Because she occupied herself with routine office tasks Occupying herself with routine office tasks, Because she was occupied with routine office tasks Occupied with routine office tasks, It is impolite and not suitable for us to contradict our parents in public. What he said contradicts the facts. 8.Well done,Tom,keep it up! 9.As far as I’m concerned,If you do not give up,nothing is impossible! 10.She did not settle in London until she


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