人教版高中英语词汇经典例句整理(选修八 )概要1.doc

人教版高中英语词汇经典例句整理(选修八 )概要1.doc

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人教版高中英语词汇经典例句整理(选修八 )概要1

必修8 Unit1 Distinct adj. 清晰的;明显的;明确的 easily heard, seen, felt or understood; definite 1、Those two ideas are quite distinct from each other. 这两种观点截然不同。 2、There is a distinct posibility that shell be your teacher next term. 她下学期当你们的老师的可能性非常大。 3、There was a distinct sense of embarrassment in the air. 周围的气氛中有一种明显的局促不安的感觉. Distinction n 差别;区分;卓著 a clear difference or contrast especially between people or things that are similar or related: 1、We should make a distinction between right and wrong. 我们应该分清是非。 2、He passed the examination with distinction. 他以优异成绩通过考试。 3、A car symbolized distinction and achievement, and he was proud. 汽车象征着荣誉和成功,所以他很自豪。 Live on 继续存在;继续生存 If someone lives on, they continue to be alive for a long time after a particular point in time or after a particular event. 1、Cats live on instinct. 猫靠本能而生存。 2、People have to live on something more nourishing than hope. 人们必须依赖比希望更滋养的东西来过活。 3、And that in some sense they would live on in this society which they had improved and made a better thing. 因而在某种程度上来说他们在今天依然活着,活在这个他们所改良的美好世界 Strait n. 海峡 a narrow area of sea which connects two larger areas of sea 1、.Both sides of the Strait shares the same origin and belong to the same family, China. 海峡两岸同属一个中国,同宗同源,是一家人。 2、Egypt would not interfere with the normal flow of traffic through the strait. 埃及不干涉通过这个海峡的正常交通运输。 3、I hear you are in poor financial straits. ? 我听说你处于经济困难之中。 Arctic adj 北极的;北极区的 related to or happening in the regions around the North Pole 1.Eskimos live in the Arctic. 爱斯基摩人生活在北极。 2.I guess there are much less people in the Arctic regions than here. 我想北极地区的人要比这里的少得多。 3.These birds are able to survive the perils of the Arctic winter. 这些鸟能在北极寒冷的冬天里生存。 Means n. 手段;方法 a method or way of doing something 1、Radio and television are important means of communication. 无线电和电视是重要的通信手段。 2、Please find alternative means of transport. 请另外找一个运输方法。 3、Its by no means certain. 完全不能肯定。 By means of 用……方法;借助…… through,by way of; with the help of 1、They s



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