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* * * * * * I will describe some people to you, please guess who they are according to my description. The president of South Korea 朴槿惠 She was born in February 1952 in South Korea, who was once called “ first daughter” and “first lady”. She won the election and becomes president with a slogan “do something for the completion of father’s unfinished career”. She was an inventor and a scientist from Poland. She is the only woman scientist who was awarded Nobel Prize for two times. Madame Curie (1867-1934) To work for civil rights, democracy and peace. Dr Sun Yat-sen’s wife, who was one of the top leaders in modern Chinese history. 宋庆龄 Jane Goodall (l934-- ), Britain As a young girl, she always wanted to study animals. Who is she? She went to Africa and studied chimps instead of going to university. She works to protect chimps everywhere. * * Jane Goodall- Showing Us the Way to a Better World.flv She is kissing the chimp. She is shaking hands with a small chimp. What may be included in the text A Student of African Wildlife ? Q1: Who is the student? Q2: What wildlife is the student studying? Q3: Where did she study the wildlife? Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Read the text quickly to get the main idea of each paragraph. A day in the park. Jane’s way to study chimps and her discoveries. Jane’s attitude and feeling to the animals. Jane has achieved everything she wanted to do. (a short summary to her) Tips on skimming: Run your eyes over the text quickly. Don’t read every word or sentence. Pay attention to topic sentences. 略读 skimming的指令太长,可以参考初中英语教材go for it上面所列的定义 Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Task 2 Read the text quickly to get the main idea of each paragraph. A day in the park. Jane’s way to study chimps and her discoveries. Jane’s attitude and feeling to the animals. Jane has achieved everything she wanted to do. (a short summary to her) The passage is mainly about how Jane Goodall worke



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