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第43 卷第6 期 硅 酸 盐 学 报 Vol. 43 ,No. 6 2 0 1 5 年 6 月 JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY June ,2015 DOI:10.14062/j.issn.0454-5648.2015.06.08 用不同粒度颗粒与添加造孔剂制备钢渣多孔陶瓷吸声材料 孙 朋,李 宇,郭占成 (北京科技大学,钢铁冶金新技术国家重点实验室,北京 100083) 摘 要:以转炉钢渣为主要原料,掺加黏土、叶腊石、长石等陶瓷原料,采用颗粒堆积与添加造孔剂烧结制备钢渣基陶瓷多 孔吸声材料,考察了造粒粒径、成型压力、烧结温度和烧结时间等对钢渣陶瓷多孔吸声材料性能的影响。结果表明,造粒粒 径、成型压力和烧结温度对材料性能影响显著,多孔吸声材料的孔隙率在60.0% 以上,抗压性能为7.0~10.0MPa ,平均吸声 系数(NRC)在0.42 以上。综合考虑多孔材料性能、能源消耗等因素,较优的制备条件为EPS 添加量为25.0% (体积分数) 、颗 粒粒径为 1.00~1.45mm、成型压力为6.0~7.0 MPa 、烧结温度为1 150~1 165 ℃和烧结时间为3 h 。 关键词:钢渣陶瓷;多孔吸声材料;孔隙率;平均吸声系数 中图分类号:TF09 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0454–5648(2015)06–0753–12 网络出版时间: 网络出版地址: Preparation of Steel Slag Ceramics Porous Sound-absorbing Material Using Particle Packing and Pore Forming Agent SUN Peng, LI Yu, GUO Zhancheng (State Key Lab of Advanced Metallurgy, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract: A sound-absorbing porous ceramic material was prepared with steel slag as a main raw material and clay, pyrophyllite and feldspar as modifiers. The influence of the experimental parameters such as particle diameter, forming pressure, sintering temperature, sintering time on the performance of the sound-absorbing porous ceramic material was investigated. The specimens prepared have a high sound absorption performance, and the apparent porosity and the noise reduction coefficient are approximately 60.0% and 0.42, respectively. The compressive strength of the sintered specimens is 7.0–10.0 MPa. The optimum parameters for the preparation of the material are quantity of waste polystyrene of approximately 25%, particle diamete


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