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5 3 () Vo.l 5N o. 3 2005 9 JOURNAL O NAN JING NORMAL UN IVERSITY( ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY) Sep, 2005 电子测量仪器信道噪声的对消 朱延海 ( , 210012) [] , . , , , . , , 3: , 3, , , , , , , , , , . [] , , , []TM 938. 8, []A, [ ] 1672-1292( 2005) 03-0012-04 On the Noise Silencing in the Channel of E lectronicM easuring Apparatus ZHU Y anha i ( Departm ent of orensic Science, Jiangsu Police O fficer College, Jiangsu Nanjing 210012, China) Abstract: In them odern technology of electronm easurem ent, all kinds of physical quantities can be analyzed through transducer by converting them into signals. The process of amp lifying and treating signals in the channel of electron m easurem entw ill be unavoidably d isturbed by various noiseswh ich, once added up on usefu l signals, are certain to lower the accuracy and validity of the resu ltsm easured. Among these noises, a popular and inevitable noise, add itive noise, is analyzed in the paper through its three form s: therm al noise, shot noise and cosm ic noise. Based on this, the paper then puts forw ard the theory of noise silencing in the channel and proves its feasibility and realization in the real electric circuits. By g iving some solutions to problem s, the paper endsw ith a conclusive result in the realprac- tice. K ey words: m easuring apparatus, stochastic process, noise, channel , . , , . , . , , , , , . , . , 1 信道中的加性噪声 , . , , , . ,


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