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29 1 V o l29 N o1 2009 2 A IRCRA FT D E SIGN F eb 2009 : 1673- 4599 ( 2009) 0 1- 0064- 03 郁 南 马贵贤 ( 71007 2) : 2 100 kg SY 31- 100 SY3 1- 100A : ; ; ; ; : V 24 10 6 : A Research on the Basal Param eter of Centrifugal Constant Acceleration Test System YU N an MA Gu -i x ian ( Co llege of A stronautics N orthw estern Po ly technical U n iversity X ian 710072 Ch ina) Abstract: A n effective m e thod on design u se and m easure centrifuge is ach ievable by analyz ing basi ca l param eter characteristic o f its acceleration direction s bu lk s curves grads and m any others. E s p ecially through relat ive ana lysis 0f two ordinary centrifuge w ith 100 kg a mi of rotat ion for m odel SY 31 - 10 and SY 31- 100A veh icle. T he techn iqu e redu cing m easure error is available w hen the different po int possib ly supportM ax mi al or m inmi a l acce leration in the course o f analyzing som e g iven value of acceleration for a sam ple. K ey words: centr ifuge; acce leration g rads; con stant acce lerat ion; acce lera tion grad ien t; accelera t ion allow ance GB /T242315 : ( ) () [ 1] ! ; : 2008-



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