七下英语2013新版unit5why do you like pandas sectionA.ppt

七下英语2013新版unit5why do you like pandas sectionA.ppt

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七下英语2013新版unit5why do you like pandas sectionA

1b. Listen and check √ the animals in 1a you hear. Animals Description Words Countries 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ The animals and the countries They come from … Jenny: Your dog is really cute, Peter! Peter: He’s my new pet, Dingding. He’s very smart. Jenny: Really? What can he do? Peter: He can walk on two legs. He can dance, too. Jenny: Wow! Peter: Does your family have a pet? Jenny: My mom has a big cat, but I don’t like her. Peter: Why don’t you like the cat? Jenny: Well, because she’s kind of boring. She sleeps all day, and her name is Lazy. Peter: Haha, then that’s a good name for her! A: ________are lions from? B: ________ from South Africa. Do you ____ lions.? A: No, I don’t. B: Why _______ you like lions? A: Because they’re really scary. But I like giraffes. B: Really? ______ do you like giraffes? A: Well, _______ they’re kind of interesting. Do you like pandas? B: Yes, I do. But I like tigers a lot. A: Tigers? Why _____ you like tigers? B: They’re really _____! I like ________ because they’re cute. A: Is this animal big? B: Yes, it is. A: Where’s the animal from? B: It’s from China. A: Is it black and white? B: Yes, it is. A: It’s a panda! B: Yes, you’re right! Explanation 1. kind的用法 1) kind of 有点儿, 有几分, 稍微, “kind of + a.” 如: Koala bears are kind of shy. 考拉有点害羞。 kind of difficult 有点儿难 kind of cute 有点可爱 kind of cold 有点冷 2) kind 还有“种类”的意思,如: 各种各样的 all kinds of We have all kinds of beautiful flowers in our school. 3) in kind 用实物 (支付) 如: Farmers often like to pay their bills in kind. 农民往往愿用实物抵账。 4. -- Why do you like pandas? --Because they’re kind of interesting. 对于why开头的特殊疑问句询问原因的话,回答要用because …. -- Where are lions from? -- They’re from South Africa. 对于where开头的特殊疑问句询问地点的话, 应该回答的句子要出现应该的地点状语或名词。 ( ) 1. Why ______ John li


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