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七下M12词汇 ?[laivli]?2.?[m?d?n] 3.[n?izi]? 4.[saund]? 5.[,vai?lin]?6.[west?n] 7.?[θru:] 8.?[v?is]? 9.??[bili:v] 10.?[mju:zi??n] 11.?[sent?]??12.?[?n?e?]? 13.[,ju?r?pi:?n] 14.[kl?sik?l]? 15.[sent?uri] 16.[k?mp?uz?] 17.?[pi:s] 18.[p?:fikt] 19.?[sl?u] 20. [fi:l]? 21.??[p?p]?=?[p?pjul?]? 22.?[r?k]?23.??[bai] 24.??[b?uθ]? 25.?[?p?r?]? 26.??[dr?m]? 27.?[eld?]? 28.??[w?:lts]??29.??[p?:]? 30.?[s?d]?? 31.?[?ip] 32. dance??music?? 七下M12重点短语和句子 Beijing Opera 京剧 the capital of Austria 奥地利首都 think about 认为,考虑 pop music流行音乐 Western Music西方音乐 dance to 随着…跳舞 the center of …的中心 European classical music欧洲古典音乐 on the river 坐落在…河畔 hundreds of wonderful pieces of music 数以百计的美妙的乐曲 play music 演奏音乐 traditional music 传统音乐 take place发生 at the same time同时 watch it on TV在电视上观看 types of music音乐的类型 the rest of 其余的 in the last ten years在过去的十年里 at that time 在那时 go through 穿过,流经 take sb around 带领某人参观 not only…but also… 不但……而且…… all over the world 遍及全世界 give concerts 举办音乐会/演奏会 go to the concert 去听音乐会 lose one’s hearing 某人丧失听力 come out 发表,出版,发行 28.a famous writer of stories for children一位著名儿童作家 go on doing/to do 继续做…… ride a bike to school/go to school by bike 骑自行车上学 colour photos 彩色照片 add...to... 把……加到……上 between...and 在……之间……(两者) musical developments 音乐的发展 重点句子: 1. This is Western music, isn’t it? 这是西方音乐,是吧? 2. Is this by Strauss or Mozart? It’s by Strauss. 这是斯特劳斯还是莫扎特的作品?是斯特劳斯的作品。 3. Do you know anything about him? 你了解他吗? 4. What a beautiful city! 多么美丽的城市! 5. This is called The Blue Danube. 这首乐曲叫《蓝色多瑙河》。 6. It goes through Vienna 它流经维也纳。 7. Listen to this fantastic voice. 你听这绝妙的嗓音。 8. I’m a fan of rock music. 我对摇滚乐很着迷。 9. Give us a break! 让我们清净一会吧!(饶了我们吧!!)10 .It’s so noisy! And much too fast!太吵了!而且节奏太快了。 I don’t believe it! 我简直无法相信! 12. Vienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the centre of Europe. 维也纳是位于欧洲中部多瑙河畔的一座古老而美丽的城市。 13. The father, Johann Strauss the elder, wrote and played music for traditional dances, called the waltz. 父亲老约翰·斯特劳斯创作并演


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