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七年级英语期末质量检测试题 时间:60分钟 姓名:________ 成绩等级:________ 一、听力部分 A听句子,找出与句子相匹配的图片。( ) 1. A B C ( ) 2. A B C ( ) 3. A B C ( ) 4. A B C ( ) 5. A B C B. 你将听到五个对话,每个对话均有一个问题,选择正确答案。the Chinese birthday dinner? A. Ice-cream B. Noodles C. Rice ( ) 8. Q: What is Tony doing now? A. Standing on the playground and singing B. Sitting in the front and talking to students C. Standing on the Great Wall and talking to his mother ( ) 9. Q: What’s the mother doing? A. Cooking the dinner B. Cleaning the house and putting the things away C. Washing the clothes ( )10. Q: Who’s birthday present is it? A. Betty’s B. Betty’s father C. Daming’s C. 听’s grandparents like to stay healthy, so everyday they get some 11_________ in a park near their home. They sometimes wear T-shirts. Daming’s mother like chocolate, but she doesn’t often buy 12_________ because it isn’t very healthy. She likes going shopping and always buys expensive 13_________. She has got 11 silk scarves, 20 dresses and a lot of shoes. She 14_________ a lot of money. Now can you 15_________ a present for them? 二.单项选择 ( )16. The elephant ___________ plants, leaves, bamboo and a little fruit, but it ___________ meat. A. eat; eats B. eating; eats C. eats; doesn’t eat D. eats; not eat ( )17. A. __________ do you save your homework? B. I save my homework in a document. A. When B. Where C. What D. Why ( )18. Ms Mary: Does Betty often go to school late? Lingling: No, she __________ go to school late. A. not B. no C. never D. always ( )19. Look, Tony __________ a delicious ice-cream over there. A. is eating B. eating


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