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词组。 1.对某人生气: 2.把..加入 3.有点,一点 4.…的部分 5.零花钱 6.净化: 7.干涸 8.开/关: 9.由.....组成: 10.从......出来: 11.记得(别)做某事: 12.是某人做某事的时候了: 13.......的结尾,终点: 14.开、关着的: 15.一袋 16.与某人分享某物: 17.在某种程度上 18.过了一会儿: 19.被连接到…… 20.确保: 21.发电站 22.进入...之内: 23.洗衣机 24.通过..流动: 25.关(电灯、机器等) 26.空调: 27.收拾妥当;整理好 28.回答: 29.单独出去: 30看起来愚蠢: 二:同义词。 1.journey=travelling from one place to another 旅程 2.experiment=a scientific test that is done to learn sth. 实验 3.add to =put one thing in another 加入 4.valuable=useful and helpful 珍贵的 5.change =money that you get when you have paid too much 零钱 6.return=give back 归还 7.form=give shape to sth. 形成 8.dry up=become completely dry 干涸 9.continue=go on + to do 继续去做(另一件事) +doing 继续做(之前没做完的事 10.have a conversation with sb.=talk with sb. 和某人讲话 11.rule=a statement of what should or must be done 规则(follow/break the rule 遵守、违反规矩) 12.test=examine 测试 13.tidy up =clean up 整理好 14.all the way=always 一直;总是 by the way顺便说一下 on one’s way to在某人去...路上 三.同义词选择。 The rain dropped from the sky. A.jumped B.fell down C.walked D.disappeared Dora likes having a good journey during the summer holiday. A.holding a wonderful party with her friends at home B.doing a useful experiment at school C.using good chemicals to make her face look beautiful D.travellin happily from one place to another These stamps have a long history.They are valuable. A.worth much money B.worth a little money C.worth nothing D.worth little money Jack added too much salt to the soup ,so the soup was too salty. A.put....in B.got...from C.joined.....in D.led....to There are a few students in the classroom. A.a lot of B.not many C.not much D.plenty of Your trousers are a little short. A.a bit of B.lots of C.much D.a bit I like drinking coffee and I like to add some sugar to it. A.put....in


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