二语习得1Introduction to SLA.ppt

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二语习得1Introduction to SLA

Lecture One Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Foreign Language Department of West Anhui University Gao Rui-kuo Tel:E-mai: rkgao@163.com 1. What is SLA about? Lead-in Questions: 1. The following conversation takes place in an immigrant family: Father: Son, Mom and I are having an argument, and wed like you to be the judge. In your opinion, whose English is better, Moms and Dads? Son: You‘re both terrible. Question: Why does the son say so? Think about it and discuss why. Key words to answer the questions: error, pidgin Interlanguage fossilization critical period, etc. 2. Why is it the case? 王红和李华于1989年秋进入南京某高校英语专业学习。至调查之日,她们己在同一个班级学习了两年。她们有着类似的家庭背景,高考入学考试的中文和英文成绩几乎—样。两人都很想把英语学好,但根据两人每星期课外花在英语上的时间,李华似乎比王红勤奋。王红每星期大约花21个小时,李华却花了41个钟头。尽管她们几乎在同样的条件下学习,但两年后,她们的英语水平出现了惊人的差异。最为令人不解的是,李华几乎是付出了双倍的代价,但在全国四级考试中,成绩(62.5)却比王红(90.5) 低26分之多,而王红却成了1991年全国四级考试中的佼佼者。(文秋芳 1995) Key words for explanation: individual differences, learning strategy, language aptitude, personality, etc. All these factors are included in SLA study. More questions for SLA: Is the learning of a second language the same as that of your first one ? How to motivate yourself or others to learn a foreign language? How do we develop our own language system? How to learn a foreign language more efficiently? ------ It intends to explore all the factors concerning language learning and learners SLA is a fairly recent acronym and stands for the term “Second Language Acquisition. It has two meanings. First, it refers to the processes by which people learn (or acquire) languages in addition to their native tongue (Johnson Johnson, 1998). Second, it refers to the study of these processes. We call the language aquired in the first few years of ones life ones mother tongue or first language(L1) . Any laguage one acquires in addition to or subsequent to the first language is called a second language(L2). In SLA literature, L2 may also be calle


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