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初级英语对话 第一课 Holiday plan 假期计划 BOB: Right let me see, jackets, rucksacks, hiking boots .... 好的,让我看看,夹克衫,帆布背包,登山靴... NANCY: Every year for Valentines Day, Bob and I go on a trip. Two years ago, we went to Japan. Last year, we went to Paris. It was lovely. 每年情人节,Bob和我会去旅行。年前,我们去了日本。我们去年去巴黎了。真可爱。 BOB: Map, compass, cooler. 地图,指南针,冷却器... NANCY: This year, Bob wants to go fishing and camping in the Lake District. I dont like fishing, but thats not the problem. 今年,Bob想去钓鱼和去湖区野营。我不喜欢钓鱼,但是那不是问题。 BOB: .and the tent! 还有帐篷! NANCY: Camping is the problem. I hate camping. 野营是个问题。我讨厌野营。 第二课 Are you sure you like the holiday plan? 您真的喜欢这个假期计划吗? EMMA: So, where are you going this year? 所以,你今年去哪里? NANCY: To the Lake District. 去湖区。 EMMA: Not Paris or Tokyo? 不是巴黎或者东京吗? NANCY: No, your father wants to go fishing. 不,你的父亲想去钓鱼。 EMMA: Where are you going to stay? 你准备停留在哪儿? NANCY: We are going to sleep in a tent. 我们会在帐篷里睡觉。 EMMA: You mean camping. 你的意思是野营。 NANCY: Thats right. Camping. 对的。野营。 EMMA: Camping? 野营? NANCY: Yes Emma were going to go fishing and camping. It will be fun, it will be an adventure. 是的,Emma,我们准备去钓鱼和野营。可能会很有趣,这会是个冒险。 EMMA: OK if you say so. How long is the drive? 如果你这么说的话,那好吧。要开多久的车? NANCY: Six hours. 6小时。 EMMA: Six hours to go camping? 花6小时去野营? NANCY: Could you please check on your father? 可以请你检查一下您的父亲吗? 第三课 The trip 旅行 BOB: Ready to go? 准备走吗? NANCY: In a minute. 马上。 BOB: I made a plan. Well take the A259 and then the M23. There wont be too much traffic on the road this early in the morning. 我制定了一个计划。我们会坐A259,然后坐M23。今天早上不会有很大的交通流量。 NANCY: Are we gonna stop at that little tea room for lunch? You know the little tea room I like? 我们可以在那个小茶馆里吃午餐吗?你知道我喜欢的那个小茶馆吗? BOB: Let me see, well take the M25 then the M1, which takes us past Manchester. 让我看看,我们要坐M25,然后坐M1,它会带我们穿过曼彻斯特。 NANCY: And well have lunch at the tea room. 而且我们要在那间茶馆吃午餐。 BOB: Well have lunch at the tea room. After that well take the M6 and then the A590 and we


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