剑桥商务英语第二版 Unit 8b Correspondence.ppt

剑桥商务英语第二版 Unit 8b Correspondence.ppt

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Unit 8b Correspondence Teaching Objectives: To raise awareness of and practice writing formal correspondence. To practice reading for specific information Materials needed: Textbook Unit 8b Correspondence Unit overview Sending a quotation Warmer: T brainstorms different types of business letter. Reading: Ss read three types of correspondence and match them with descriptions before answering comprehension questions. Speaking: Ss discuss differences between letters, faxes and e-mails then exchange information about their correspondence.. Unit 8b Correspondence Letters of acceptance Reading: Ss order extracts from a business letter and match the extracts with descriptions of the paragraphs. Language focus: Ss match functions with letter phrases. Writing: Ss write a letter querying an invoice. Unit 8b Correspondence Self-study Vocabulary: Explanation of abbreviations. Matching exercise (letter opening and closures). Spoken vs. written functional phrases. Writing: Ss correct a grammatically correct but informal letter of enquiry. Reading: Multiple-choice reading comprehension exercise. Exam practice: Party invitation notice (Writing Test Part 1) Letter replying to an enquiry (Writing Test Part 2) Unit 8b Correspondence Teaching procedure: Reading 1 The aim of exercise to introduce some samples of writing and to make the point that the type of correspondence we use and the language we write depends on a number of factors, including relationship. Ss quickly scan the 3 forms of correspondence to find the necessary information. Unit 8b Correspondence Alan Pickering works for Norwest Plant Hire. He is organizing a training course for managers in his company. He writes to three companies to ask for quotations. 朱利安·休斯是ATC咨询公司的销售助理。Julian Hughes is a Sales Co-coordinator with ATC Consulting. ATC Consulting曾经给 Norwest Plant Hire提供过培训课程,所以朱利安·休斯写给阿兰的 信件比较随意。例如开头的称呼:Dear Alan. 只有对朋友或是关系


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