全新版大学英语综合教程4 Unit 3词汇详解.doc

全新版大学英语综合教程4 Unit 3词汇详解.doc

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全新版大学英语综合教程4 Unit 3词汇详解

Unit 3 Text A 1.interview: 1. n. 1) a meeting where a person is asked questions to decide whether he can take up a job When she was still at school, she had her first interview, for a part-time job in a restaurant. a meeting where a person is asked questions to find out his/her actions, opinions, etc. The film star agreed willingly to give an interview immediately after her wedding. 2. v. 1) hold an interview with (someone) 他正在接受一地方电视台对他关于失业率的采访。 He was being interviewed by a local TV station about the rate of unemployment. question (someone) to discover their opinions or experience 在一次调查研究中,被调查的女性中超过一半的人都讨厌“家庭妇女”这一称呼。 In a survey more than half of the women interviewed hated the label “housewife”. 2.grill: vt. cook under or over direct heat We could grill the chops on the barbecue. (infml) question intensely and severely (esp. of the police) 他被拷问了两小时后,警察才让他走。 He was grilled for two hours before the police let him go The senior detective grilled the young suspect about the robbery case. 3.follow up: take addition steps to further (a previous action) 让我们担心的是恐怖分子在威胁之后会进行炸弹攻击。 We are worried that terrorists will follow up their threats with bomb attacks. If you make a hotel booking by phone, follow it up with written confirmation. Collocation: as follows 如下 The result were as follows. to follow 下一个 I’ll have fish, with fruit to follow. 4.in one’s hands: in one’s possession 我的律师有了所有相关的证据。 All the relevant facts are in my solicitor’s hands. His father’s company has been in his hands for many years. 5.prospective: adj. expected; probable; intended The chief function of direct-mail advertising is to familiarize prospective buyers with a product. 这个世界闻名的大学收到近200名学生的申请表。 This university of world fame had applications from nearly 200 prospective students. 6.as I see it: in my opinion As I see it, this press conference is the most successful one we have ever had. 在我看来,这些钱足够他在国外生活一年了。 As I see it, the money is sufficient for seeing him through a


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