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“奇迹石”是挪威最负盛名的旅游景点,这块有5立方米大的石头卡在绝壁间,吸引着世界各地的旅行者到此一睹其神奇魅力。 【挪威 奇迹石】 Magic?stone?is the most?famous?tourist attractions in Norway,?the?5cubic meter of?stone card?on?the precipice,?attracting?travelers from around the world?to?see its?magic charm. 这块石头周围没有任何的保护措施,表面只有不到5平方米的面积,下面则是万丈深渊,站上去的人一旦打滑就会粉身碎骨。 There is no protection?of any?of?the stone?surface?around,?only less than 5?square meters of area,?the following is?the abyss,?stand uponce you?slip?will?be smashed to pieces 芝加哥西尔斯大厦,设计者在大厦第103层处设置了4个玻璃为底的盒子结构,名叫“Ledge”(悬崖边的突出物)。 【美国芝加哥 观光层】 Chicago Sears Building,?the designer?set the?box?structure of 4?glassas the bottom?in the?103rd storey building,?named?Ledge?(the prominence of?the edge of the cliff). 这座103层的空中平台让游客能够感受到站在空中的体验,并观赏到脚下的风景 The?aerial platform?so that visitors?can feel the?arrival?in the air?andenjoy the?experience,?at the foot of the scenery 游客们步入西尔斯大厦(Sears Tower)的飘窗。这座摩天大楼有110层高。这些玻璃阳台建在大厦西侧,从瞭望台向外延伸约1.2米。阳台的玻璃地板厚达12.7厘米,可承重约5吨。 That’s all Thank you ! 张怀进 李道义 罗 奎 尚欧阳 李健韬 张俊杰 Tourguide words Good afternoon,ladies and gentleman .welcome to our travel agency. I am your tourguide ,Zhang Huaijin. As is described in the numerous movies and novels ,the most beautiful things lie in most dangerous places .do you agree? The most thrilling scenic spots in the world 在美国加利福尼亚州著名的沿海城市圣迭戈附近,有一块非常薄的岩石。 America?disk?rock In?America?California?famous coastal?city?near San Diego,?there is a very thin?rock. 这块看似一折就断的石头引来了许多人前来拍照,游客好像置身在悬崖边,或是云端。 The?ninety percent off seemingly?broken?stone?attracted?many people to?take pictures,?and visitors?seem to be?on the edge of the cliff,?or?cloud. 这得有多大的勇气才敢坐在这块石头上拍照呢? This?must have much of?courage to?sit on?the stone?to take pictures! 其实,这块石头能够承受相当多的重量,只要角度合适,在照片里,你就可以充当一次“勇者”。 Actually, the stone can withstand quite a lot of weight, if the angle in the picture is right, you can act as a brave. Just like this like this And like this 华山的索道可以说是世界上最险峻危险的。脚下就是万丈悬


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