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动词200组 说:say/ comment, demonstrate, elaborate, get across, illustrate, interpret, mention, observe, present, relate, remark, narrate, depict, dwell on All his friends ______(谈论) the change in him. Let’s not ______ (细想) the past. The lawyer won’t ______ (评论) publicly on the case. Can you ______ (解释) these statistics in detail? He refused to ______ (详细解释) why he had resigned. The engineer _______ (示范) how to use the new software. To ______ (阐明) her point, she told a story. The movie ______ (描述) the king as a dictator. The professor will ______ (提出) his research in the lecture. A good lecturer is able to _______ (解释清楚) his ideas to the audience. We hired a professional to _______ (讲解) the documentary film. 看:see, watch, eye / browse, gaze, stare, observe, study, spot, glare, glimpse, glance, scan, skim, peep, peer, inspect, examine, identify, scrutinize She could see at a ______ (一瞥) that something was seriously wrong. He kept talking at the concert, and people were _______ (怒视) at him. He caught a ______ (一瞥) of her face. He _____ (偷看) over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching. The hunter ______ (凝视) through the fog into the night. All the new products are ______ (仔细检查) by the laboratory. I tend to ______ (浏览) in a bookstore on weekends. She quickly ______ (发现) him in the crowd. You feel uncomfortable when you are _______ (盯) at. The police asked the witness to ______ (鉴别) the suspect. 导致,激起:lead to, raise, result in, bring about, arouse, set off, give rise to / motivate, prompt, generate, provoke, evoke, stimulate, stir up, agitate, trigger The teacher is good at _____ (激励) her students to further effort. I’m confident the project will ____ (带来) huge profits. A good boss has a team of highly _____ (士气高) staff. The news finally _____ (激发) a riot. The smell of chalks always _____ (唤起) memories of my school days. The attacks ____ (引发) a war in the Middle East. 想象,构思:picture, imagine, design / plot, devise, formulate, frame, envisage, envision, contrive, visualize


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