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目 录 摘要 —————————————————————— 3 Abstract ———————————————————— 3 前言 —————————————————————— 4 农民工界定及健康定义———————————————4 研究对象与方法——————————————————4 结果 ————————————————————— 5 讨论 ——————————————————————9 建议及对策 ———————————————————10 小结 ————————————————————— 11 致谢 ————————————————————— 12 参考文献 ——————————————————— 13 乌鲁木齐市农民工身体健康现状及影响因素分析 【摘要】目的:通过对乌鲁木齐市500多名农民工的健康状况及其影响因素调查,科学反映乌鲁木齐市农民工身体基本健康状况,并分析影响我区农民工身体健康状况的影响因素,提出科学实效的措施,为提高我区农民工身体健康状况,充分实现我区农民工健康权益保障,引导我区人力资源保障工作科学发展作出贡献。方法:运用文献收集法、问卷及量表调查法、方差分析与t检验等统计方法方法对数据进行收集、处理、分析。结果:乌鲁木齐市农民工生活条件差,社会保障水平低,健康状况不容乐观。经t检验和方差分析认为对我区农民工健康状况影响较为明显的因素分别为族别、性别、文化程度、职业分布等。结论:针对我区农民工身体健康状况差,健康影响因素有特殊性和复杂性,社会保障工作不到位,建议进一步完善和落实各项社会保障制度,加大健康教育,加强监管,依靠政府工作,切实保障我市农民工身体健康,控制和减少影响我市农民工健康的影响因素。 【关键词】 乌鲁木齐市、农民工、身体健康现状、影响因素。 physical Health Status of Migrant Workers in Urumqi and its related factors. 【Abstract】Objectives: Urumqi by more than 500 groups in the health status of migrant workers and their influencing factors, Science reflects the basic physical healthOf Urumqi migrant workers , And analyze the impact of migrant workers in our region the impact of physical health factors,make of scientific and pragmatic measures, to improve the health status of Migrant workers in our region ,Full realization of the health protection of migrant workers in our region,make t contribute to Human resources and support to guide the work of our region to scientific development..Method:Literature collection, questionnaire, statistical analysis and other methods of data collection, processing and analysis.Results:Urumqi, poor living conditions of migrant workers, the low level of social security, and health status is poor, affecting the health status of migrant workers in our region the factors is complicatedConclusion : Groups for migrant workers in our region poor physical health, social security and other special circumstances are not in place, it is recommended to further improve and implement the social security system, increase health educa


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