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* 2.2. HYDROSTATIC EQUILIBRIUM 1. Equation of hydrostatic equilibrium 2. Barometric equation 3. Hydrostatic equilibrium in a centrifugal field * 1. Equation of hydrostatic equilibrium Consider the vertical column of fluid shown in Fig. 2.1. * If forces acting upward are taken as positive and those acting downward as negative, the equation of forces acting in vertical direction is (2.1) (2.2) * for incompressible fluids (2.3) (2.4) ----------Equation of hydrostatic equilibrium. * * 2. Barometric equation For an ideal gas, the density and pressure are related by the equation Where M = molecular weight T = absolute temperature (2.5) Replace ρ in equation * Or (2.6) (2.7) ----------barometric equation * 2.3. APPLICATIONS OF FLUID STATICS 1. Manometers (液压计) 2. Measurement of liquid level 3. Liquid seal of equipment * 1 Manometers (液压计) Figure 2.3 shows the simplest form of manometer. * (2.9) (2.10) If fluid B is a gas, ρB is usually negligible compared toρA * Example 2.1. A manometer of the type shown in Fig. 2.3 is used to measure the pressure drop across an orifice (see Fig. 8.18). Liquid A is mercury (density 13,590 kg/m3) and fluid B, flowing through the orifice and filling the manometer leads, is brine (density 1,260 kg/m3). When the pressures at the taps are equal, the level of the mercury in the manometer is 0.9 m below the orifice taps. * orifice (Flash 1-11) Under operating conditions, the gauge pressure1 at the upstream tap is 0.14 bar; the pressure at the downstream tap is 250 mm Hg below atmospheric. What is the reading of the manometer in millimeters? * Fig. 8.18 Orifice meter * Solution. Call atmospheric pressure zero; then the numerical data for substitution in Eq. (2.10) are * Other type of manometers (absolute pressure ) (gauge) (vacuum) * * * Differential manometer 微差压差计 If the height difference of the reservoir can be neglected. where * Inclined manometer 斜管压差计 (2.11) ρB ρA * Series manometer * 2. Measurement of liquid lev


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