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Keira Knightley (凯拉·奈特莉) .... Elizabeth Swann (伊丽莎白·斯旺) Geoffrey Rush (杰弗里·什) .... Barbossa ( 巴博萨) Orlando Bloom (奥兰多·布鲁姆) .... Will Turner (威尔·特纳) * 初一(3)班 郑惠元 加勒比海盗英文名为Pirates of the Caribbean,最早作为其中一个景点出现在美国加州的迪士尼乐园。之后,以此为名拍摄了一系列电影作品。 Johnny Depp (约翰尼·戴普) .... Jack Sparrow (杰克船长) 加勒比海盗:Pirates of the Caribbean 导 演:戈尔·维宾斯基 Gore Verbinski 编 剧:特里·罗西奥 特德·埃利奥特 制 片:杰瑞 布鲁克海默 Jerry Bruckheimer 1.Pirate 海盗 2.Adventure 冒险 3.Portray 描述 4.Legendary 传说 5.Fleet 舰队 6.Rampant (犯罪、疾病)猖獗的,肆虐的 7.Wander (在某 个地方)徘徊,漫步 8.Kidnap 绑架,劫持 9.Release 释放,放手 10.Rescue 拯救 11.Ruthless 无情的,冷酷的 12.Upcoming 即将来临的,就要发生的 13.Inspiration 灵感,鼓舞,启示 《Pirates of the Caribbean》 is a series of adventure films directed by Gore Verbinski, written by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. They are based on a Walt Disney theme park ride of the same name, and follow the pirate Captain Jack Sparrow . portrayed by Johnny Depp. Story takes place in the legendary pirate of the most active of the Caribbean (Caribbean Sea). This piece of mysterious sea is located in southeastern North America, where the blue sea and sky, the sun was shining, the sea crystal clear. 17 century, where it is business travel in continental Europe fleet arrived in the Americas must be passed through, so piracy was rampant, not only attacking the past business, and even including the Royal Fleet. Handsome and charming history of pyro Jack (Johnny Depp), is a active in the Caribbean on the young pirates have their own Black Pearl pirate ship. For him, the most pleasant life is driving a Black Pearl wandering in the Caribbean, freedom to rob passing ships. *



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