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Lesson 4 Gruup ⅢB —ⅧB Elements 科技英语的翻译标准有三条:信,达,专业术语正确。要求译者必须准确理解和掌握原著的内容,决不能主观发挥译者个人的想法和推测。译者在确切理解原著的基础上,又必须很好地运用本语言把原文通顺、流畅地表达出来。 The principal source of these elements is the high gravity (地心引力,重力,重量)river and beach sands built up by a water-sorting process during long periods of geologic(地质学的) times. 注意:river sand 河沙 water-sorting 水(力)拣选,挑选 build up 造成,逐步建立,逐步形成,堆积而成 这些元素主要分布在经过漫长的地质年代由于水的自我冲积、挑选过程而形成的受地心引力较大的河滩和海滩上。(和潮汐现象对比理解)。 Monazite(独居石) sand, which contains a mixture of rare earth phosphates, and an yttrium silicate in a heavy sand now commercial sources of a number of these scarce elements. 独居石,一种混合稀土磷酸盐矿物和一种重沙中的硅酸钇是这些稀有元素的大量的商业来源。 Separation of the elements is a difficult chemical operation. 分离这些元素是非常困难的化学过程。 The solubilities of their compounds are so nearly alike that a separation by fractional(分级的) crystallization is laborious and time-consuming(耗费时间的). solubility溶解度、可解决性、溶度 fractional [′fr?k??n?l](分级的)部分的、少量的、零碎的 crystallization [′krist?lai′zei??n] laborious [l?′b?ri?s] 费力的、勤劳的 time-consuming [k?n′sju:mi?] 耗费时间的 它们化合物的溶解度极为相似,所以分级结晶(过去常用的一种方法)既劳神又耗时(耗时又耗力)。 In recent years, ion exchange resins in high columns have proved effective. ion exchange resins[′rezin]:离子交换树脂 近年来发现填充在长交换柱中的离子交换树脂在分离这些元素方面很有效。 When certain acids are allowed to flow down slowly through a column containing a resin to which ions of Group IIIB metals are adsorbed, ions are successively released from the resin. 当某种酸缓缓流过吸附了IIIB金属离子的树脂的交换柱时,IIIB的离子就连续地从树脂上脱附(释放、淋洗)出来。 The resulting solution is removed from the bottom of the column or tower in bands or sections. solution [s?′lu??n] 溶解、溶液 remove [r?′muv] 去除、脱掉、迁移 section [′s?k??n] 部分、节 流出液(交换后的溶液)可以从交换柱或交换塔的底部分段转移开。 Successive sections will contain specific ions in the order of release by the resin. successive [s?k′sesiv] 连续的、逐次 section [′sek??n] 部分、节 specific [spi′sifik] 明确的、特种的、具体的 连续的流出液部分按照树脂释放的顺序含有特定的离子。 For example, lanthanum ion (La3+) is most tightly held to the resin and is the last to be extracted, lut


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