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As a result the cake’s resistance Rc is 滤饼的阻力Rc可以用(2.6)来描述 Rc=αρo(V/A) (2.6) α- represents the specific cake resistance 滤饼的阻力特性 ρo - the mass of cake solids per volume of filtrate 单位体积滤液含固体滤饼量 Substituted of (2.6) into (2.5). Differential equation for incompressible cake is: 把方程(2.6)代入(2.5)得到: (1/A)*dV/dt=△P/μ(αρo(V/A)+Rm) ( 2.7) The equation is subject to the initial condition 初始条件为: T=0 V=0 (2.8) This condition says that at the start of the experiment, no solution has been filtered. 开始时没有滤液被过滤 (2.7) integrated and rearranged to give (2.7)积分后整理得 (At/V)=K(V/A)+B (2.9) K=μαρo/(2△P) (2.10) B=μRm/△P (2.11) thus the plot of (At/V) versus (V/A) should be linear. 用At/V对 V/A作图应该是线性的。 K- the slope is a function of the pressure drop and of the properties of the cake; 斜率K是压降△P及滤饼特性α、ρo的函数 B- the Intercept is independent of the properties of the cake, but it is proportional to the medium‘s resistance, usually Rm is insignificant. 截距B与滤饼特性无关,但它正比于介质阻力Rm。通常Rm可忽略不计 Eq.(2.9) becomes simple 方程(2.9)可简化为: t=(μαρo/(2△P))*(V/A)2 (2.12) These equations are valid for incompressible cakes. (该式仅适合不可压缩的滤饼) 2、 Compressible cake 可压缩的滤饼 Almost all cakes formed of biological materials are compressible, and so cannot be described with the simple equation just outlined. As these cakes compress, filtration rates drop. This in turn results in compromised economics. 绝大多数生物滤饼都可压缩,因此,不能仅仅用作图法的简单方法来描述,滤饼可压缩,则过滤速度降低,能耗增大。 To estimate the effects of compressibility, we assume that the cake resistance is a function of the pressure drop. 为了估计可压缩性的影响,我们假设滤饼阻力α是压降的函数。 α=α’(△


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