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Group works Discuss the stages of the research process in relation to the problems encountered. Give examples. Summary The basis objective of the market research function is providing management with information for more accurate decision making Customer attitudes about providing information to a researcher are culturally conditioned Foreign market information surveys must be carefully designed to elicit the desired data and at the same time not offend the respondent’s sense of privacy Summary Many foreign markets have inadequate or unreliable bases of secondary information Three keys to successful international marketing research The inclusion of natives of the foreign culture on research teams The use of multiple methods and triangulation The inclusion of decision makers, even top executives, who must on occasion talk directly to or directly observe customers in foreign markets * As an enterprise broadens its scope of operations to include international markets, the need for current, accurate information is magnified. Marketing research is traditionally defined as the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data to provide information useful in marketing decision making. Although the research processes and methods are basically the same whether applied in Columbus, Ohio, or Colombo, Sri Lanka, international marketing research involves two additional complications. First, information must be communicated across cultural boundaries. That is, executives in Chicago must be able to translate their research questions into terms that consumers in Guangzhou, China, can understand. Second, the environments within which the research tools are applied are often different in foreign markets. Rather than acquire new and exotic methods of research, the international marketing researcher must develop the ability for imaginative and deft application of tried and tested techniques in sometimes totally strange milieus. * * A country’s political stability, cultural att


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