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Experiencing English Book Four Unit 1 Men and Women Prejudices Procedure Lead-in Activities Movie-Watching DiscussionⅠ Discussion Ⅱ Passage A Warm-up Activity Cultural Notes Language Points Difficult sentences Summary Follow-up Activity Assignment Lead-in Watch the video clips the Male Nanny and then discuss the following questions. The Male Nanny 1 The Male Nanny 2 Lead-in Discussion Do you think Nanny is an exclusive job for women? If so, what jobs do you think are exclusive for women or men? Do you hold stereotyped prejudice towards some jobs, such as secretary, doctor, professor etc.? Prejudice against Women in Job-hunting Passage A The Unsung Heroes: What About Working Dads? Culture Notes USA Today describes David Blankenhorn as “a pioneer in the fatherhood movement”(1999). Norval Glenn of the University of Texas calls Blankenhorn’s 1995 book, Fatherless America, “one of the most important and provocative books of this decade.” Mary Ann Glendon of Harvard Law School states: “No one writes about the crisis in American family life with more candor(坦白), intelligence, and sympathetic understanding than David Blankenhorn .” The fathers in families with an employed mother earn about the same as fathers in families with a non-employed mother. A comparison of the 1997 median earnings of a father with a non-employed wife ($37,116) to the media earnings of a father with an employed wife ($35,713) shows that the typical father in both types of families have nearly identical earnings – a difference of just $1,403 per year. Text Analysis Language Points petty adj. (derog.) small or trivial; unimportant ;insignificant 不要担心,这只不过是个小问题。 Don’t worry. It’s only a petty problem. How could you be so petty? Language Points criticize v. point out the faults of sb/sth criticize sb/sth for (doing) sth; Stop criticizing my work! He was criticized by the committee for failing to report the accident. Language Points margin n. 1) the


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