基于建筑物易损性分类的群体震害预测方法研究 - 地震工程与工程振动.pdf

基于建筑物易损性分类的群体震害预测方法研究 - 地震工程与工程振动.pdf

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30 3 V o l. 30 N o. 3 2010 6 JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENG INEER ING AND ENG IN EER ING V IBRAT ION Jun. 20 10 : 2010) 1, 2 2 3 胡少卿 , 孙柏涛 , 王东明 1. , 15000 1; 2. , 150080; 3. , 100049) : , , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; : P3 15. 95 8 : A A m ethod for earthquake dam age prediction of bu ilding group based on bu ilding vu lnerab ility classif ication 1, 2 2 3 HU Shaoqing , SUN B aitao , WANG Dongm ing 1. C ollege of A erospace and C ivil Engin eering, H arb in E ngineering U n ivers ity, H arb in 15000 1, Ch ina; 2. Inst itute of Eng ineeringM echan ics, Ch ina Earthquake A dm in istrat ion, H arb in 150080, Ch ina; 3. N at ional Earthquake R esponse Support S erv ice, Beijing 100049, Ch in a) A bstract: In th is paper, the vu lnerab ility to the m ultistorey re inforced concrete structures is classified and analyzed according to construct ion year, sto rey and uses. A nd the d ifferent categories of vu lnerability m atrixes for mu lt isto rey re inforced concrete structure are g iven. T he proport ion o f construction area of d ifferent categories can be ob ta ined from buildings censu s statistics. Then the vulnerab ility m atrix of concrete building group can be estab lished by w eight ing the different categor ies of vulnerab ility m atrixes. F ina lly, the vu lnerab ility m atrix o f rein forced con crete structure o f Y anliang D istrict in X ian w as obta ined by u sing this m ethod. A fter com paring w ith the trad itional earthquake dam age predi


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