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第 33 卷 第 12期 华东电力 V ol. 33 N o. 12 2005 年 12 月 East China E lectr ic Pow er D ec. 2005 * 改进风/光互补发电系统优化设计的新方法 , , ( , 200090) : , , , , : ; ; ; : TK5 14 : A : 100 19529 ( 2005) N ovel m ethod for optim iz ing design of hybr id w ind/ photovoltaic generation sys tem TAN Beiyue, YAN G J inhuan, LIK angd i ( Shangha iU n iversity of E lectric P ow er, Shanghai 200090, China) A bstrac t: A novel m ethod for optmi iz ing design o f the hybr id w ind pho tovolta ic generation system is introduced, w h ich appropr iate ly changes the am ount and distribution of the solar radiation o f every m onth by adju sting the decli n ing ang les o f the so lar cellma tr ix, and thu s allow s the 2 types of pow e r generation, .i e. photovo ltaic and w ind pow er genera tion, to comp lem ent each othe r bette r throughou t the year. Com paring the roo tmeansquaredifference of the tota l electricity genera ted and the av erage am ount o f every m onth, the dec lin ing ang le co rresponding to the m in mi um roo tm eansquared ifference w as ob tained and can be considered as the optmi al declin ing ang le. T he m ethod can be u sed to further optmi ize the structure o f the hybrid w ind pho tovo lta ic g eneration system and to reduce cost. K ey w ord s: w ind photovo lta ic hybr id; gene ra tion system; storage ba ttery; optmi al design , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


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