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外研版九年级下册模块5Unit 1概要1
Think of a trip you’re going to make. A trip to: the beach a mountain a museum a swimming pool the countryside the theatre Make a list of rules and suggestions. You mustn’t go swimming immediately after lunch. You must wait an hour or more. You mustn’t go swimming immediately after lunch. Yes, and you mustn’t go swimming on you own. You must always go with someone. Work with another pair. Find out what rules and suggestions they have made in their list. Welcome to Hainan! Work in groups. You may choose one place of interest and write some advice for visitors to China. (at least five pieces of advice) (One student writes and the other student tells him or her some suggestions.) Welcome to …. … is in…. It is a …. And there are many beautiful place of interest. For example…. They …. But there are some danger…. You must / can’t / need / can /should …. Wish you have a good time. Model: Welcome to Hainan! 提示词:湿地(wetland),自然资源(nature resource),对虾(prawns),自然保护区(nature resource protection areas),生态系统(ecological system), 提示词:Bird net 鸟巢, water cube 水立方, the Summer Place 颐和园,紫禁城 the Forbidden City 瀑布wall fall,人间仙境fairyland in human, 天然景色scenery, 海拔height 人文景观human landscape,海岸线coast line,椰子树coconut tree。 * 中国英语教师网 Unit 1 You must keep to the path. Module 5 Rules and suggestions suggestion starving lead the way rope rule stream Look at the photo, and say what rules and advice you can give to visitors on the Great Wall. ① What is Betty’s mum worried about? ② What is Mr. Jackson going to do The trip will be dangerous. He’s going to lead the group and tell them everything about personal safety. Listen and answer the questions. countryside cross edge everybody keep lead personal safety noon rope stream ③ When are they going to have something to eat? ④ What does Betty’s mum think they should do if they go climbing? ⑤ How dangerous does Betty think the trip will be?
- 外研版九年级中考模拟试题概要1.doc
- 外研版九年级下英语 Module 6 Unit 1概要1.ppt
- 外研版九年级下册Module1概要1.ppt
- 外研版九年级英语上册Module 12 Save our worldUnit 3概要1.ppt
- 外研版九年级英语上册Module 11 PhotosUnit 2概要1.ppt
- 外研版九年级英语上册Module 4 Home aloneUnit 3概要1.ppt
- 外研版九年级下册Module1 Unit3课件(共62张PPT)概要1.ppt
- 外研版九年级英语上册Module 5 MuseumsUnit 3概要1.ppt
- 外研版九年级下英语 Module 4 Unit 2概要1.ppt
- 外研版九年级英语上册最新课件M11U1概要1.ppt
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