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二建建造师《建设工程法规》答疑精选汇总 Two construction division construction engineering regulations answer selection summary 1, the debtor to own property mortgage, the mortgagee abandons the mortgage right, mortgages or change of mortgage, the other guarantor in the mortgagee loss priority rights within the scope of exemption from liability, but other guarantors are still committed to providing security exception. This sentence. I cant understand it at all. There are too many terms. Can the teacher give a simple example of what is covered here? By the way, what is the meaning of the sentence in plain words? Also, what does the guarantor do? Is it a person or an enterprise? Who is it, the debtor, the creditor or the third party? Answer: the guarantor can be an individual or an enterprise Hello, I want to continue to consult What is the relationship between the legal representative and the legal person? Same? Why? Is the legal representative a so-called actor or an agent? Why? And what is the agent relationship if it is an agent? As the saying goes, a legal person is not a human being.. Since the legal representative is the same as the legal person, why does he say that he is an actor? Is a legal person an enterprise or an enterprise representative? Ask the teacher to answer carefully. Thank you。 Im a little confused. Answer: a legal person refers to an organization 2, Hello, I would like to consult the legal representative and the legal relationship between what? Is the legal representative a so-called actor or an agent? Why? And what is the agent relationship if it is an agent? Answer: the same. Generally refer to the actor 22 title - the following option (s) is the reason for the termination of the agency There is an option C: the agent resigned from the Commission Title to a reference answer, did not choose C, but from the analysis under the title you can see, should and should choose C, please answer! Answer: Yes, C is right, too How to understand the construction of general con



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