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第 46 卷 第 3 期 天津大学学报 (自然科学与工程技术版) Vol.46 No.3 2013 年 3 月 Journal of Tianjin University (Science and Technology) Mar. 2013 ▋ 同轴电导传感器测量持油率对含油率表征分析 吴东月 1, 2 ,王 超 1, 2 (1. 天津大学电气与自动化工程学院,天津 300072 ;2. 天津市过程检测与控制重点实验室,天津 300072) 摘 要 :油水两相流含油率的在线精确测量具有重要价值,对同轴电导传感器在垂直管道中测量的持油率对含油率 的表征特性进行了研究.开发了基于同轴电导传感器的持油率测量系统,针对传感器结构特点,采用了垂直安装方 式,利用无量纲系数 (Z)分析了持油率与含油率之间关系.结果表明 :垂直上升管与垂直下降管中,都存在 Z 随着含 油率的增加由大于 1 变为小于 1 的变化规律,该规律受重力的影响较小,而与垂直管道中油水的分布有关. 关键词 :油水两相流;含油率;持油率;同轴电导传感器;垂直管道 中图分类号:TP271 ;TP23 ;TH814 文献标志码 :A 文章编号 :0493-2137 (2013)03-0276-05 Analysis of the Relationship Between the Oil Holdup Measured by Coaxial Conductivity Sensor and the Oil Volume Fraction 1, 2 1, 2 Wu Dongyue ,Wang Chao (1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation,Tianjin University ,Tianjin 300072 ,China ; 2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Process Measurement and Control ,Tianjin 300072 ,China) The accurate measurement of oil volume fraction of oil-water two-phase flow on line is important in the oil Abstract : field. In this paper the relationship between the oil holdup measured by coaxial conductivity sensor in vertical pipe and the oil volume fraction was investigated. An oil holdup measurement system based on coaxial conductivity sensor was designed. A dimensionless coefficient Z was used for studying the relationship between the oil holdup measured and the oil volume fraction. It was shown that at low oil volume fraction Z was more than 1. As oil volum


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