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2009 4 4 Journal of Chin s Comput r Sy st ms Vol. 30 No. 4 2009 VLSI 韩 林, 韩 军, 曾晓洋, 陆荣华, 赵 佳 ( , 201203) E-mail: {lhan , junhan } @ fud an. du. cn : 提出一种专用指令集安全处理器的架构设计和V LSI 实现方法, 取得了高效的密码 算能力及良好的硬件结构和指令 集可扩展性. 通过分析对称密码算法和散列算法特点, 本文基于低成本RISC 结构, 提出并行查找表与特殊算术逻辑单元相结合 的架构设计方法, 并以包含密码学专用指令的指令集与其对应, 使密码算法程序代码密度紧凑、执行效率高. 本设计可执行 4 、 、 -1 等算法, 并提出一种安全存储方法, 提高安全处理器系统的抗攻击能力. SMS AES SHA : ; SMS4; AES; SHA -1; ; : T P 307. 9: A : 1000-1220( 2009) 04-0746-06 ArchitectureDesign andVLSI Implementationof an ApplicationSpecificInstruction Set Secu- rity Processor HAN Lin, HA N Jun, ZENG Xiao-yang , LU Rong-hua, ZHA O Jia ( Fud an Univ ers ity , S tat e K ey L abor atory of App l icat ion Sp ecif ic I nteg rate d Circ uit Sy st ems , S hang hai 201203, Chi na) Abstract: An archit ctur d sign and V LSI impl m ntation m thod of application sp cific instruction s t s curity proc ssor is . pr s nt d in this pap r T h proc ssor in t his pap r has th advantag of ffici nt cryptographic computing pow r as w ll as x - c ll nt xt nsibility for bot h hardwar archit ctur and instruction s t. Bas d on thorough analysis of charact ristics of sym- - , - m tric k y and hash algorithms an archit ctural d sign m thod of combining parall l on chip lookup t abl s with sp cial arith- m tic logic unit is propos d and impl m nt d by low -cost thr -stag pip lin RISC archit ctur . D dicat d cryptographic in- 16- st ructions ar introduc d into th bit l ngth r duc d instruction s t to obtain low cod d nsity and high p rformanc of cryp- tographic proc ssing . Chin s wir l ss local ar a n tw ork block ciph r standard SMS4, NIST ncryption standard AES and pr val nt hash funct ion SHA -1 ar impl m nt d


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