新编大学英语第一册unit 4 上课课件.ppt

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新编大学英语第一册unit 4 上课课件

Pre-reading: survey 1. How many of you can remember an awkward moment when you made a mistake? If you had that kind of memory, can you tell us why it is so unforgettable? Cultural information Global Reading - Structural analysis taste rearing tips taste settled major lot, lot rear settle major settled tip taste n. oriental taste 东方品位 cultivate one’s musical taste 培养自己的音乐欣赏能力 The dish is to his taste. 这道菜合他口味。 He has a taste for folk songs. 他爱好民歌。 Word Study Back to the text tip n. the usu. pointed end of something (某物的)尖端 a town at the southern tip of India 印度最南端的一个城镇 on the tip of one’s tongue His name is on the tip of my tongue. 他的名字就在我嘴边,但就是记不起来了。 Word Study To be continued tip v. to (cause to) fall over unintentionally (使)翻倒 Who knocked the bottle over? It could not have tipped over by itself. 谁把瓶子碰倒了?它不会自己翻倒的。 Word Study Back to the text expectation expect vt. 1. to think or believe (that something will happen) I expect (that) she will pass the exam. 我预料她会通过考试的。 2. to think or consider that (something or someone) is likely to come or happen I am expecting a letter. 我正在等待一封来信。 Word Study To be continued 3. to have or express a strong wish for (something) or that (someone) will do something, with the feeling that this is reasonable or necessary 认为理应得到;期望,期待 You can’t expect children to be quiet all the time. 你不能指望孩子们一直保持安静。 Word Study To be continued the act of expecting or something that is expected 预期,预期的事物 He has little expectation of passing the exam. 他对考试及格不抱希望。 Word Study Back to the text expectation n. come/live up to one’s expectations 达到某人的预期要求 I usually enjoy his films, but the latest one didn’t come up to / live up to my expectations. 我向来喜欢看他的影片,但他最近的一部并不像我期望的那么好。 rear n. 1. the back part of an object 后部,背 a garden at the rear of the house 屋后的花园 2. the part of the body on which one sits 臀部 As my rear end met the floor, I sa


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