新编大学英语4unit2 Part 2A.ppt

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新编大学英语4unit2 Part 2A

Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 7. Acknowledging some success or good fortune that has happened during the year seems particularly appropriate considering the spirit of the Christmas season. 1)动名词短语“acknowledging some success or good fortune that has happened during the year”在句子中作主语,这个动名词短语内部有一个定语从句“that has happened during the year”,修饰“success or good fortune”。 2)considering是介词,表示“鉴于”。 3)“the spirit of the Christmas season”西方文化中一般认为,圣诞节的氛围主要是warmth,generosity和good will。 鉴于圣诞节的氛围,对一年来所取得的成功与得到的好运特意表示一下赞美和祝贺似乎是恰到好处的。 Understanding Sentences Translation Comments Back to the text Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 8. I don’t know if they will make anybody else’s day, but they made mine. 1)make someone’s day 使某人快乐 2)后半句中的mine相当于“my day”。 我不知道这些信会不会使别人的一天别有意义,但是,对我自己确实如此。 Understanding Sentences Translation Comments Back to the text Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading flood v. 1. to distribute something in large quantities 大量涌入 Companies flooded the market with advertisement. Afferent impulses flood the brain in certain hysteric states. 2. to cover or overwhelm with a flood 淹没,泛滥,溢出 The river flooded the lowlands. 2) In some places, it’s economical to irrigate by flooding the fields at regular intervals. Word Study To be continued Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading He is willing to go through fire and flood to gain his objective. The rocky shore forms a barrier between earth and flood. 3. n. an overflowing of water that covers land not usually under water 洪水,洪灾 other phrases with flood flood plain 泛洪区 flood tide 涨潮,高峰 floodgate 防洪闸 floodlight 泛光灯 Word Study Back to the text Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading the usual mode of method of doing something 惯 例,常规,习惯做法 The practice is to use a local anesthetic. He decided to depart these evil practices. 比较 habit, custom, practice, convention habit: a settled tendency of behavior 通常指个人 的经常行为 He contributed


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