新编大学英语第三版 book4Unit1 part 2 Reading-Centered Activities.ppt

新编大学英语第三版 book4Unit1 part 2 Reading-Centered Activities.ppt

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新编大学英语第三版 book4Unit1 part 2 Reading-Centered Activities

7. So long as human beings remain curious, there seems no doubt that the whodunit, in all its various forms, will continue to exert its fatal attraction. 只要人类还有好奇心,那么毫无疑问,各种各样的侦探小说就会继续发挥它致命的诱惑力 so long as: 只要······ There seems no doubt that: 毫无疑问。 in all its various forms 为插入语,补充说明前面的whodunit。 3) Word study 1) appeal n. 1. a quality that makes people like something or someone 吸引力、感染力 The program “The Voice of China” has a very wide appeal. 2. a formal request to a court or to someone in authority asking for a decision to be changed 呼吁,恳求 The minister made an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. 2) instinct n. a natural tendency to behave in a particular way or a natural ability to know something, which is not learned 本能 Animals have a natural instinct for survival. Human beings have the human instinct to form relationships. Birds build nests by instinct. 3) assemble v. if you assemble a large number of people or things, or if they assemble, they are gathered together in one place, often for a particular purpose 聚会,聚集 A large crowd had assembled outside the American embassy. He looked around at the assembled company?(=all the people who had come there). She had assembled a collection of her favorite songs. 4) suspect 1. v. to think that someone is probably guilty of a crime: 怀疑某人有罪 Who do you suspect? Pilcher was suspected of giving away government secrets to the enemy. 2. n. someone who is thought to be guilty of a crime 犯罪嫌疑人 Two suspects were arrested today in connection with the robbery. 5) whereabouts n. the place or area where someone or something is 下落 He showed great reluctance to reveal his whereabouts. The police want to know the whereabouts of his brother. 4. Exercises 1) Blank Filling 2) Multiple Choice 3) Sentience Completing What Makes Agatha Christie’s Books Appealing? Fill in the following table according to the passage you have just read. Don’t refer back to the passage while doing the exercise. 1) Blank Filling The chara


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