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We Enjoy Our Travelling a Lot. 英语听力练习方法之——逆序听力法 第八,练习写作。可以把听过的内容用自己的话写出梗概。另外多练习用英语生词造句。 第九,练习汉翻英。最好找一些有标准译文的材料,先自己翻译,再对照范文学习。非凡注重把握英语与中文之间的微妙关系。 第十,天天保持相当量的练习。只有练到一定的数量,才能在大脑中构造一个英语区。以后再说英语时就不会出现英汉互相干扰的问题了。 Words to Know 1. college n. 同事 2. advertising n.广告业 3. pleasure n.愉快、快乐 4. initiative n. 主动 Short Conversations Directions : Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks with the words you have heard. 1. A: I don’t think we’ve been . My name is Dr. Johnson.___________ B: It’s a to meet you, Dr. Johnson. I’m Peter. 2. A: Mac. I’d like you to , Fred Hutton. B. It’s to meet you , Fred. 3. A: Ted, may I Gary? B: How do you do, Gray? I’ve often you. 4. A: Ted, this is Carl Faye who’s just here from our factory in London. B: Hi, Carl. I’ve been meeting you. 5. A: Do you know ? B: No, I don’t think we’ve . Situational Dialogues Dialogue 1 Directions: You will hear a dialogue between Charles Simmons, a computer programmer, and Grace Carson, a collgue of the host at the party. 1. Where does this conversation take place? A. In a company. B. In a computer shop. C. At a party. D. In the Street. 2. Who is the woman? A. She is the woman’s friend. B. She is a computer programmer C. She is a saleswoman. D. She is a colleague of the host. 3. What is the woman’s job? A. She is in business. B. She is in advertising. C. She is a teacher. D. She is a secretary. 4. What does the man do? A. He is a doctor. B. He is a teacher. C. He is a computer programmer. D. He is a repairman. 5. What does the woman’s brother do? A. He is a computer repairman. B. He is a salesman. C. He is


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