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新编实用英语第一册题库 Part I Vocabulary and Structure Section A Multiple Choice 1. The family gathered together to ___ the holiday meals. (B) A. divide B. share C. receive D. smell 2. Jenny ___ to pass her driving test on the fifth attempt.A. managed B. controlled C. handled D. regulated 3. I had to work hard to ___ the other students. (B) A. keep away from B. keep up with C. keep back D. keep out 4. Helen asked me ___ the film called “Star War”. (D) A. have I seen B. had I seen C. whether I have seen D. if I had seen 5. This was the place ___ . (C) A. about that I was telling you B. where I was telling you C. about which I was telling you D. that I was telling you 6. When the teacher ___ the classroom, all the students stood up. (D) A. came B. appeared C. arrived D. entered 7. He doesn’t ___ to take a holiday this summer. (C) A. suggest B. acquire C. plan D. pursue 8. The reason ___ we should learn a foreign language is very clear. (B) A. when B. why C. which D. where 9. He was asked to speak louder ___ all the students in the classroom could hear him. (B) A. so as to B. so that C. since D. than 10. He didn’t tell me where he had spent his holidays ___ to know. (D) A. Neither I cared B. Nor did I care C. I didn’t care D. Neither did I care 11. The idea that the earth is flat was ___ centuries ago. (B) A. appointed B. rejected C. hesitated D. measured 12. A good student is eager to learn and does not need to be ___ about being absent too much. (C) A. questioned B. asked C. warned D. persuaded 13. We sat on the top of the mountain to watch the sun ___ early in the morning. (A) A. rise B. rose C. to rise D. risen 14. My parents are not used to ___ in big cities. (B) A. live B. living C. have lived D. be living 15. He wore dark glasses to avoid ___. (D) A. having been recognized B. to be recognized C. recognized D. being recognized 16. ___ I in your position, I would do it at once. (C) A. Am B. Was C. Were D. Be 17. Th


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