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一、语法和语义 Grammar and Meaning Grammar: Does the sentence adhere to the rules of Standard Written English? Meaning: Does the sentence clearly indicate the author’s intended meaning? Meaning Errors 1. Choose your words Eg: right: The court declared that Jack must pay full damages Wrong: The court declared that Jack should pay full damages explanation: on the GMAT exam, the word” should” only mean “moral obligation”, something the court cannot impose. 2. Place your words Match your words (主语和谓语在一起要有意义) Avoid Redundancy a. GMAT考试中很常见的一种累赘错误是在一个句子中使用了两个意思重复的词语。例如:The value of the stock rose by a 10% increase . Right: The value of the stock rose by 10% b. 要注意时间的表达词语。尤其是当一个时间表达未被划线,或者两个表达相同时间的词语看起来不同 练习: 1. (choose word) No matter how much work it may require, getting a MBA degree turns out to be a wise investment. 替换:Even though it requires much work, 解析:原句要表达的意思是,不论主语花费的工作量有多大,它都是一个明智的投资 (may是关键词); 而替换句中把may去掉,意思变为“即使它要求很大工作量,它是一个明智的投资。因此替换句改变了原句的意思。 Tip: 当划线句中有情态动词时,必须格外注意,如果选项中没有对应意思的情态动词,那么一般为错选。 2. (place word)The driver took the people for a ride who had been waiting. 替换:the people who had been waiting for a ride. 解析:虽然替换句更正了原句中who指代不明的情况,但是却改变了作者的意思。正确修改为:The people who had been waiting were taken for a ride by the driver. 3. (choose word)Rising costs to raw materials may impel us to rise prices farther 替换:costs of raw materials may impale us to raise prices further. 解析:将”to” 换为”of”正确, 表示raw material花费的钱;raise替换rise正确,raise后面直接跟宾语,而rise通常用在没有直接宾语的语境中,如interest rose in May. 将farther替换为further正确,farther指距离,further指某事的程度; 然而,用impale替换impel是错误的,impale表示将某物钉在某物上 4.(place word) She is the most dedicated gardener on the block, every day watering the more than 50 plants in her yard. 替换:every day watering more than the 50 plants in her yard. 原句的more than修饰50 plants,而替换句中more than 提到the 50 plants前面,意思变为:她不仅仅watering,而且还做其他的工作。 9. Electronic devices can distract driver. 10. Many directors suspect that managers are attempting to conceal the


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