无机聚合物金属发泡不同操作条件之探讨 - 中国矿冶工程学会互动式网站.pdf

无机聚合物金属发泡不同操作条件之探讨 - 中国矿冶工程学会互动式网站.pdf

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无机聚合物金属发泡不同操作条件之探讨 - 中国矿冶工程学会互动式网站

無機聚合物金屬發泡不同操作條件之探討* Effects of Processing Conditions on the Compression Strength of Geopolymer Metal Foams* 1 2 M.L. Tseng T.Y. Chang Geopolymer is a class of three-dimen sionally networked aluminosilicate mater ials. Geopolymer has become one of the best raw building materials as it is easily obtainable; it con sumes low energy ; Si-O-Al-O it endures high temperature; and it has low thermal expansion coefficient, high early strength, and good acid corrosion resistance. In this study, we manu factured a foam-typ e Geop oly m er u sin g Geop oly m er m at er ial s (30% 30% slag t o r eplace calcined k aolin p owder), sodiu m hydr ox ide an d sodiu m silicat e m ixt u r e, an d Zn p owder . We v ar ied t h e z in c con cent r at ion an d Zn additive procedures in the manufacturing processes to determine if any of these variations would affect the compression strength of the product s. Result s showed that adding 0.2% Zn powder to the kaolin 0.2%Zn powder ; stirr ing and mixing; and then dissolving i n a l k a l i n e solu t ion p r o du c e d t h e b e st fo am - ( 160.76kgf/cm2) typ e Geopolymer having compressive strength of Zn 160.76kgf/cm2 . It is better than the product having ( 115.67kgf/cm2) k aolin p owder m ixed w ith th e alk alin e solut ion (4 0 ) first, then adding Zn powder (compressive strength


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