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濒临灭绝的动物 Endangered animals 微型猪( pigmyhog ): 世界上最小的猪,野猪的一种,主要生活在印度东北部。 The worlds smallest pig, a wild boar, live mainly in the northeastern part of India. 60厘米长,高约25厘米,成年猪不足10公斤 60 cm long, about 25 cm high, adult pigs less than 10 kg 其基因与家猪的基因并无太大差别。 Its genes with the genes of the domestic pig is not much difference. 曾在喜马拉雅山地区大量存在,现在仅印度阿桑地区的玛纳斯国家公园拥有为数不多的几头。 few head. There are a lot in the Himalayan region, only India Asan Manas National Park has one of the 小嘴狐猴 (Mouse lemur): 世界最小的猴类。 非洲东南部印度洋中马达加斯加岛,有“狐猴岛”之称。 The worlds smallest monkeys. Southeastern Africa, the Indian Ocean island of Madagascar, Lemur Island, said. 小狐猴只有20厘米,胖乎乎的,两只眼睛大大的,尾巴比身躯稍短,在酷暑干燥的季节,有夏眠的习性,此时依靠尾巴里所贮存的脂肪来维持生命。 Small lemurs of only 20 cm, chubby, big eyes, the tail is slightly shorter than the body, in the scorching heat and dry season aestivation habits, rely on fat storage in the tail to sustain life. 狐猴主要有大狐猴、小狐猴、鼠狐猴、灰狐猴、丝狐猴、绒狐猴和环尾猴等。狐猴的拉丁名意思是“鬼”。它们在热带森林里神出鬼没地活动,喜欢吵闹。不同种之间,外形、大小和习性有着很大的区别。 * The lemur mainly large lemurs, lemur, mouse lemur, gray lemur, silk lemurs, velvet lemurs and ring-tailed monkey. Lemur Latin name means ghost. In the tropical forest the shadowy activities like noisy.Between different species, shape, size and habits of great distinction. *


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