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Leading in 1、Do you had a dream that you got much money by lottery? 2、How did you do after you got much money ? 3、Did you play betted in a horse race? The Introduction of Auther Margery Allingham(1904—1966) 马瑞格·艾林罕 英国侦探小说黄金时期的女作家。生于伦敦,父母均是作家兼编辑,浸淫在浓厚的文艺氛围里,艾林翰极早便誓言将成为职业作家。艾林翰的作品风格写实,钜细靡遗的场景描述,细腻深刻的性格剖析, 配合徐缓的节奏,诙谐的调子,引读者不自觉掉入故事中,成为书中人物的老友。艾林翰于一九二九年的作品中,创造她最富盛名的人物——艾伯·坎比恩,从此这位贵族出生,带点轻率、愚蠢的年轻侦探,便活在艾林翰每本小说里(只有战后两本作品例外)。艾林翰曾表示,随着她对生活及侦探小说理念的改变,坎比恩也愈见成熟、高明,化身为正义使者。也许艾林翰小说中,没有太多烟硝火仗的场面,但卓越的叙事技巧、辛辣的嘲讽对白,及心理观察的洞见,都使她作品拥有耐人细嚼的余韵,经久难忘!  艾林翰作品有:   《烟中之虎》(The Tiger In the Smoke)   《甜蜜的危險》(Sweet Danger)等 Main characters Charles Luck Albert Campion Peter McGill Maureen Bertram Heskith Charles Luke dark strong active like to use his hands to emphasize(强调) his word Albert Campion quite fair wear glasses his habit was listened closely Peter McGille ordinary 28 a worker his employer like him very much Maureen steady careful do housework well generous Bertram Heskith husband of Maureen’s older sister a toy salesman discoverer who found disappear of the McGills McGills’house the Mary celeste PLOT the two mysteries were alike clothes line the postman at 7.25 the Bertram Heskith at 7.30 Questions 1、Why did they run away? 2、Who did guess the solution(答案)? Thank you! Family Affair 刘闯 ——Margery Allingham in Chestnut Street on Gibraltar Breakfast Luke telephoned Campion attention to the facts and details consider the McGills 第一条线索 the high brick wall A narrow path (狭窄的路) in the next street They went away a ladder(梯子) 第二条线索 they should open the door they run away with generous (慷慨的性格)of Maureen and decisive nature(果断的天性) of Peter Why? they won much money in horse race 第三条线索


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