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The beam out of narrow street has admitted from all corners of the country s outstanding people. The district Party committee, eastern Zhejiang administrative office are based in Lianglong Many years ago,the Revolutionary were discussing the issueof attacking Japan there.Let us recall the time. Yuyao dishes with a special system has a unique flavor. The diet culture has a long history and mainly belong to eastern Zhejiang coastal area. It regard Seafood as a cooking ingredient and always use snow pickles(雪酱菜)and Dried plum(梅干菜) . Welcome to YU Yao * * 1.Basic information 2.Scenery 3.Food Yao City located in the east of Zhejiang Province, about 1527 square kilometers area. with a population of 850000. Yuyao has a splendid scenery with a long history, It is one of birthplace of the Chinese nation. In history there are many sages(圣贤),incliding Wang Yangming, Zhu Shunshui and the famous historian of celebrities such as Huang Zongxi ,totally about 180 peope. Yuyao has been awarded by the country“ as China waxberry( 杨梅)country”,“ China pear town” and“ China Maple(红枫) town. The Hemudu Site were discovered in 1973, the total site area of 50000 square meters, with four cultural layers laminated(覆盖). Upon the determination, the lowest layer was about 7000 years. In 1973 and 1977 two scientific groups excavated(挖掘) the site ,discovering bone, pottery(陶器), jade(玉), wood and other materials composed of production of tools, supplies, decorative handicrafts(手工艺) , plant and animal ,totally about 7000.河姆渡遗址发现于1973年,遗址总面积达5万平方米,叠压着四个文化层。经测定,最下层的年代为7000年前。通过1973年和1977年两次科学发掘,出土了骨器、陶器、玉器、木器等各类质料组成的生产工具、生活用品、装饰工艺品以及人工栽培稻遗物、件,动植物遗骸等文物近7000件. I am waiting for you Liangnong is named as “Eastern Zhejiang Yanan “. Nineteen forties, Liangnong is the leadership of the Communist Party of China anti-Japanese struggle In the period of attacking the Japan,many Revolutionary hero sacrificed for the nation profit.Now,the tourist are coming to honour the hero and feel the Patriotic a


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