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那些年 我们追过的短发女孩; 近日,73岁的日本动漫大师宫崎骏被授予奥斯卡终身成就奖,老爷子更表示不会退休,还将继续创作。他温馨治愈的动画温暖了无数人,那些年我们看过的宫崎骏动画,长大后才发现,原来那么深刻……今天,大家一起重温“小”时候看过的那些清新、温暖的作品,那些直戳心窝的经典台词,你真的都读懂了吗?;Ponyo (2008) 《悬崖上的金鱼公主》 The loose retelling of The Little Mermaid tells the story of a boy who befriends a daughter of the sea named Ponyo. Ponyo desperately wants to be human and live with her friend’s family, but her father, the King of the Sea, has different ideas, at least when he’s paying attention to his wayward daughter and not mixing elixirs to clean up the mess man has made of the ocean. ;主人公金鱼姬是一条活泼好动的小鱼,一次偶然的机会被冲进玻璃瓶中无法脱身。此时,刚好来海边玩耍的男孩宗介???过,帮它解困,从此人鱼相识。金鱼姬希望能变成人类和宗介一家一起生活,但它的父亲海神并不同意,因为这位海神大人对人类污染海洋的行为甚是不满。 若男孩爱她,她便失去魔法成为人类,可万一男孩变心,她便会幻化泡沫。 If Sosukes love is real, shell lose her powers forever. But if its not, shell turn to sea foam! ;My Neighbor Totoro (1988) 《龙猫》 Another family favorite, the film is far stranger than Kiki’s Delivery Service. The story follows two sisters who find themselves sharing a forest with Totoro, a giant rabbit creature who is the local forest god. Totoro leads them on a series of Alice in Wonderland-like adventures. Throw in a Cat Bus (a bus that is a cat), soot sprites and a tear-jerking tale of two young girls with an ailing mother and you’ll begin to understand some of the wide appeal of the film. ;这部温馨的作品使“龙猫”这个可爱的小家伙家喻户晓。故事讲述了一对姐妹与森林守护神——大龙猫之间的故事。龙猫带领他们坐上猫巴士,经历了一段犹如《爱丽丝梦游仙境》一般的奇幻冒险……影片描写了日本昔日的美丽自然。这个只有孩子才能看见的不可思议世界,成功唤起了观众的乡愁,并因此广受欢迎~ 雨这么大,真伤脑筋,土地公爷爷拜托请你快点让雨停下来。 Wow. What do we do now? lf its not too much trouble, could we stay until it stops raining? ;Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989) 《魔女宅急便》 One of Miyazaki’s most accessible films, the story follows a young witch named Kiki who leaves her family to make her way in the big city. She starts up a delivery service and follows adventure and her beloved black cat Jiji wherever they lead her.; 琪琪从小生长在一个魔女家庭。根据古老的传统习俗,魔女的孩子满13岁就要离开家门,寻找自己的城市开始独立。于是,琪琪带着宠物黑猫吉吉,在家人的祝福下展开了一段修行之旅……成长不易,连小魔女都必须经过社会实践的考验~ 你还怕啥? 我不太肯定我的方向,但我希望自己能走远一点。


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