寒山大师 英语演讲模板概要1.ppt

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寒山大师 英语演讲模板概要1

* COLD MOUTAIN BY KOU 10.10 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- 导演: Anthony Minghella (1954-2008) 《冷山》 Oscar (American film academy) 2004 美国南北战争时期,连连征战和南方军队的节节败退令士兵Inman心灰意冷,为了再见情人Ada,他离开部队,踏上了漫漫回家路。   在他的家乡,偏僻的冷山镇,Ada也饱受生活的折磨和等待的痛苦。父亲的去世和奴隶的离开,使养尊处优的Ada生活难以为继,在山区女孩Ruby Thewes的帮助下,Ada渐渐学学会与周围粗砺尖锐的生活对抗挣扎,期待Inman的归来。   穿越连绵战火,冷山,是他们之间唯一的连系,在这里,即使旧日所有的信仰天堂都已破灭,却仍能让你疗伤止痛. Story Line -------------------------------------- Movie picture 人问寒山道,寒山路不通。 It is his hometown——Cold Mountain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Men ask the way to Cold Mountain Cold Mountain: there’s no through trail. But! Truth is。。。 * 人问寒山道,寒山路不通。 夏天冰未释,日出雾朦胧。 似我何由届,与君心不同。 君心似我心,还得在其中。 Men ask the way to Cold Mountain Cold Mountain: there’s no through trail. In summer, ice doesn’t melt The rising sun blurs in swirling fog. How did I make it? My heart’s not the same as yours. If your heart was like mine You’d get it and be right here. * HanShan lived in the Tang dynasty. He was ever crazy about the fame and fortune . But he is a u nlucky man.Because he looks very very short and ugly. Just by this, he can‘t find a work in government departments at his times. After countless failures,he still did not succeed.what’s worse,he also be laughed by his friends and relatives.At last, he lost his heart. With this insult, he roved all over the country.At last he met Su Zhou and stayed for a long time. This is the origin of the Hanshan Temple. He was also treated as some man like god by theTaoist(道教徒)and the Buddhist(佛教徒). As a poet he is on a par with(齐名) Li Bai abroad. InJapanese, He is a household (家喻户晓的) legendary figure. Hippies of America treat him as their‘s ancestor. But he never thought of geting fames at the latter half of his life. * In my first thirty years of life I roamed hundreds and thousands of miles. Walked by rivers through deep green grass Entered cities of boiling red dust


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