对外汉语衣服篇 Better Chinese概要1.pptx

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对外汉语衣服篇 Better Chinese概要1

14. What is He Wearing Today??? 他今天穿什么?;Bell- work ;Tuesday – Classwork;Colors 颜色 ;书包里有___色的,___色的,和____的____. Inside of the bagpack, there are color 1, color 2, and color 3’s object. 2. 我的教室有很多颜色。 wǒ de jiāo shì yǒu hěn duō yán sè. There are many colors in my classroom. 有(has) color + 的+ object 白色的白板, 咖啡色的桌子。。。 3. 最(the most) zuì 我最喜欢。。。。 I like .. the most .. 4. 吃 eat 苹果 apple 葡萄 grape ;Jasmine Flowers ;Wednesday- Bell work ;;Fun fact of the day ;Fun fact - Tongue twister;;Sentence pattern ;shàng yī ;qúnzi;kùzi;短;cháng kù;cháng qún;;Game time – charade ;;Memory competition:slap ;Thursday bell work – will be graded (translated the following words into pinyin); Friday -Bell work (take out your flash card from yesterday and copy this word under the pinyin) ;Fun fact – 4 TONES;Fun fact - Why should we learn Chinese? ;shàng yī ;qúnzi;kùzi;;;;Write down both pinyin and characters on your notebook. ;Class work for Period 3 ;Sentence practice. Copy these sentence down and write the pinyin on the top of the sentence ;xī zhuāng;穿 chuān ;脱tuō;脱;鞋子;皮鞋 pí xié ;运动鞋 yùn dòng xié ;拖鞋 tuō xié;Sentence pattern- information exchange ;听词画图;Speaking test next Tuesday ;The reviewing questions will be posted on Edmodo. ;Second week ;Bell work (on your flash card);Fun fact ;New vocab;;你爸爸今天穿什么? 爸爸今天穿黑色的西装。 你妈妈今天穿什么? 妈妈今天穿红色的上衣和红色的裙子。 你哥哥今天穿什么? 哥哥今天穿白色的上衣和蓝色的裤子。 ; ;Project introduction ;Option 2: ;Option 3: ;Tuesday;Writing project ;The reviewing questions will be posted on Edmodo. ;Bell work- Tongue twister;Bell work - Tongue twister;Wedn. Choose one word from each row and form a new sentence. You need to at least write 3 sentences. (Extra credit);T 恤衫 - T xù shān ;外套- wài tào ;衬衫- chèn shān ;卫衣- wèi yī ;帽子- mào zǐ ;围巾- wéi jīn ;Which one?;;;;;Total physical reaction;Bell work ;Bell work - Tongue twister;;;;;;;;;;手套- shǒu tào ;眼镜- yǎn jìng vs.墨镜-mò jìng ; màozi wéijīn yǎnj



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