小学英语PEP五下U5A talk概要1.ppt

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小学英语PEP五下U5A talk概要1

白鳍豚: 白鳍豚为中国长江中下游的特有水兽,全球豚类有70多种, 淡水仅5种,中国仅此一种淡水鲸。 白鳍豚已是一种注定要灭绝于 我们手中的美丽传奇的动物,它被国际保护人士称为“活着的死物种”。 目前人工饲养仅有一只,名为“淇淇”。长江的围湖造田、有害渔具、 修闸建坝、繁忙的航运、渔业及严重的污染都在威胁其生存。 已经被国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)红皮书列为“极危”物种, 也是中国一级保护动物。 藏羚羊:目前中国的藏羚羊不足7万只,但年复一年、禁而不止的 非法交易与屠杀使其数量直线下降,目前被列为。一级保护动物, 国际自然保护联盟IUCN红皮书的“濒危级”。 扬子鳄: 扬子鳄是中国唯一的鳄种。全球鳄鱼共有25种, 中国只有湾鳄和扬子鳄。目前,由于长江下游湿地遭到严重破坏, 河湖被围成农田,野生数量极为罕见,人工繁殖相当成功。 国际自然保护联盟IUCN红皮书“极危级” 。一级保护动物。 1. The bird ___flying. A. is B. are 2. We ____swim. A. are B. can 3. What is it ____? A. doing B. do 4. What ____the pandas doing? A. are B. is 5. The fish is _____. A. swim B. swimming Look at ______! ___is ___doing? It is __________. Look at ________! _____is ___doing? It is _____________. Questions: 1.What can they see? 2.What is the mother elephant doing ? 3.What is the baby elephant doing ? They can see two elephants. She’s walking. It’s running. Chen: I see the mother elephant. Amy: What is she doing? Chen: Shes walking. Amy: What about the baby elephant?What is it doing? Chen: Its running. Look at the ! What is___ doing ? __ __ _____. running tiger it It is ① ④ ② ③ ( )1. --Look at the monkey!What is it doing ? --Its ___________ .(选择正确的答案) A run B runing C running 2. is , the , fish, what , doing (?) _________________________ is, it , swimming (.) ________________ (连词成句) What is the fish doing ? It is swimming. C 返回 学习智多星:今天我们学习了哪些句子? What ___ ____ doing?___ __ ___ What ___ ____ doing?___ __ _____ What ___ ____ doing?__ __ _____ is it It is swimming is he He is running is she She is walking What___ __ ____ doing? is the fish draw write read drink eat jump run swim fly Unit5 : Look at the monkeys Part A Let’s talk


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