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 MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1969   Senator Dirksen, Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. Vice President, President Johnson, Vice President Humphrey, my fellow Americans--and my fellow citizens of the world community: 德克森参议员、最高法院首席法官先生、副总统先生、约翰逊总统、汉弗莱副总统、美国同胞们、全世界的公民们 I ask you to share with me today the majesty of this moment. In the orderly transfer of power, we celebrate the unity that keeps us free. 今天,我请求你们与我共度这一庄严的时刻。当此有条不紊地进行权力交接之际,我们欢庆我们的团结一致,它使我们永享自由。 Each moment in history is a fleeting time, precious and unique. But some stand out as moments of beginning, in which courses are set that shape decades or centuries. 时光飞逝,历史上的每一刻都弥足珍贵,而又独一无二。但有些时刻却十分引人注目,它标志着一个开端,为未来数十年乃至几个世纪确立方针路线。   This can be such a moment. 现在可能就是这样一个时刻。   Forces now are converging that make possible, for the first time, the hope that many of mans deepest aspirations can at last be realized. The spiraling pace of change allows us to contemplate, within our own lifetime, advances that once would have taken centuries. 现在,各种力量正汇聚在一起,使得人类夙愿的最终实现首次成为可能。 变动的步伐在不断加快,这使我们得以在有生之年展望那些过去许多世纪才能发生的进步。   In throwing wide the horizons of space, we have discovered new horizons on earth. 我们不仅在太空开阔了眼界,而且在地球上亦已打开了新的天地。   For the first time, because the people of the world want peace, and the leaders of the world are afraid of war, the times are on the side of peace. 由于各国人民期待和平,各国领导人对战争则满怀忧惧,所以我们第一次跨入了一个和平的时代。 Eight years from now America will celebrate its 200th anniversary as a nation. Within the lifetime of most people now living, mankind will celebrate that great new year which comes only once in a thousand years--the beginning of the third millennium. 从现在再过八年,我们将庆祝美国建国二百周年。在生活于现在的大多数人的有生之年,人类将迎接那个千年一度的伟大新年,这就是第三个千禧年的开端。   What kind of nation we will be, what kind of world we will live in, whether we shape the future in the image of our hopes, is ours to determine by our actions and our choices. 我们的国家将走向何方,我们将要生活在怎样的世界里,我们能否按照自己的愿望铸造未来,这都将取决于我们自己的行动和抉择。   The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker. This


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