山东导游考试现场问答 英语概要1.doc

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山东导游考试现场问答 英语概要1

山东英语导游现场考试试题 Questions on the skills of tour guiding 1. After meeting your guests at the airport, what are the important things you should do before showing them to the awaiting coach? (1) check the number of the tourists together with the tour escort (tour leader) and the national guide. (2) ask for luggage claim cards and give them to the porters so that the luggage can be carried to the hotels as quickly as possible. 2. What should be mentioned in a welcome speech? (1) greet the tour members on behalf of the travel service. (2) introduce yourself and driver. (3) express wishes to serve the tourists sincerely and honestly. (4) wish the tourists a pleasant journey and wonderful stay. 3. What should you do when the tourists are leaving the airport with you to the city proper? (1) introduce the main buildings, attractions, scenes and views on the way. (2) interprete the local history, geography, population, areas, climate, culture, custom, cuisine and so on. (3) tell the name of the hotel, class, location and other distinctive features. (4) inform the tour members the place and time to gather and the parking place of the coach. 4. What should a tour guide do on the way back from the local scenic areas (spots)? (1) help the group members recall what they have visited, giving supplementary explanation, and answer questions. (2) introduce the sightseeing en route (if the return route differs) (3) give briefings on the following day’s itinerary, the time and place that all members should meet for setting out. (4) remind the tour members of taking good care of their personal possessions and help them get off. 5. What should a tour guide pay attention to when using body language? (1) use proper and appropriate body language while taking the group members’ tradition and custom into consideration. (2) behave naturally. (3) combine the verbal and non-verbal languages skillfully. (4) avoid nonsense gestures. 6. What responsibilities should a tour guide t


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