第2章 词(第2部分).ppt

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第2章 词(第2部分)

第二章:词(续) Words (Continued) (Part 2) Review of concepts and terms Based on your preparation, explain one of the following concepts/terms to class (9m for each presentation): 1. English disjuncts (外加/悬挂状语) (p.66); 2. Chinese prepositions vs. English prepositions (p.69); 3. Chinese onomatopoetic words vs. English onomatopoetic words (p.82); 4. Chinese auxiliary particles (助词) (p.94) Key points of Part 2: 1. Comparison and translation of Chinese and English adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and numerals: 1) Actions expressed with Chinese verbs can often be replaced with English adverb /preposition particles. e.g. a. 发生了什么事? What’s up? b. 有什么事?/在放什么电影?/有什么演出/节目? What’s on? c. 小车撞进了一间房子,撞穿房子后又冲进了河里。 The car ran through a house and then out into the river. 2) English prepositional phrases are often replaced with Chinese verbs and verbal phrases: e.g. a. But for you, I would have married him. 如果不是你,我可能就和他结婚了。 b. I married him in spite of you. 尽管你干涉,我仍然和他结了婚。 3) English disjuncts (悬浮/外加状语) are often translated into short sentences in Chinese: e.g. Honestly, the performance is not to my taste. 说老实话,这不是我喜欢看的演出。 4) Conjunctions are often added when translating from Chinese into English: e.g. a. 他来了,你又不在,我就走。 Since he has come and you are not here, I’ve got to leave. b. 九岁时,母亲死去。父亲也就变了样,偶然打碎了一只杯子,他就要骂到使人发抖的程度。(萧红,《永久的憧憬和追求》) After Mother died, when I was nine years old, Father became worse. If you accidentally broke such a small thing as a cup, he would throw curses at you until you shivered all over. 5) Expressions containing vague numbers often have to be adjusted to suit the target culture in translation: e.g. a. 艺校的这些学生是百里挑一挑出来的。 The students of art schools were enrolled by selecting one in a thousand. b. Leaders should try to raise the people’s income in a thousand and one ways. 领导应该千方百计提高人民的收入。 c. Some idioms with vague numbers: 接二连三 one after another 半斤八两 six of one and half a dozen of the other 一遭被蛇咬,三年怕草绳。 Once bit, twice shy. 不三不四 rascal/


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