
第6讲 汉语成语的英译方法.ppt

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第6讲 汉语成语的英译方法

The Translation of Chinese Idioms I. A Comparison of Chinese and English Idioms (1) Same Meaning, Same Structure 趁热打铁 火上加油 一箭双雕 混水摸鱼 眼不见,心不烦 to strike while the iron is hot to pour oil on the flame to kill two birds with one stone to fish in the troubled waters out of sight, out of mind (2) Same Meaning, Same Rhetoric 轻如鸿毛 面如土色 稳如泰山 易如反掌 as light as a feather as pale as ashes as steady as the mountain as easy as turning over ones hand (3) Different Figures (喻体形象不同) 健壮如牛 害群之马 杀鸡取卵 血流如注 艳若桃李 掌上明珠 as strong as a horse a black sheep to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs to bleed like a pig as red as rose; like lilies and roses apple of somebodys eye II. Translation Approaches 1. Literal Translation 直译法 沧海一粟 海底捞针 顺水推舟 a grain in the ocean to fish up a needle from the sea to push the boat with the current 保留表达方式,再现成语的形象和修辞色彩 无法传达蕴涵意义,易引起错误联想 猫哭耗子 谋事在人成事在天 2. Liberal Translation 意译法 摩拳擦掌 青黄不接 水落石出 to roll up one’s sleeves before the green corn grows and after the while crop is consumed The truth will prevail in the end. 简明反映成语的喻意 丢失文化特色和具体形象 顺手牵羊 噤若寒蝉 立竿见影 3. Literal Translation Plus Annotation 加注法 黔驴技穷 The proverbial donkey in ancient Guizhou has exhausted its tricks. (It is Liu Zong Yuans description of the donkeys trick in Guizhou, which tells a tiger in Guizhou was scared when he saw a donkey for the first time. But discovering that all the donkey could do was to bray and kick, the tiger fell upon it and devoured it. ) 东施效颦 Dong Shi imitating Xi Shi.(Xi Shi was a famous beauty in the ancient kingdom of Yue.Dong Shi was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her way. ) 煽风点火 千钧一发 猫哭老鼠 to fan the flame to hang by a thread to shed crocodile tears 4. Using English Equivalences 套译法 英汉成语字面意义与蕴涵意义基本一致 混水摸鱼 眼见为实 隔墙有耳 比喻意义一致,但比喻形象不同 挥金如土 缘木求鱼 挂羊头卖狗肉 东张西望 III. The Image Management in CE Translation of Idioms 1. Keep Original Image 保留形象直译 吴用道:“休得再提。常言道:‘隔墙须有耳,窗外岂无人。只你知我知。”(施耐庵《水浒》) You must


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