在病床边重新发现尊严 保持病人尊严的ABCD教学法.pdfVIP

在病床边重新发现尊严 保持病人尊严的ABCD教学法.pdf

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在病床边重新发现尊严 保持病人尊严的ABCD教学法.pdf

述评 39314.620174.80 10 Moreland EC,Volkering LK,hwlor MT,Chalmers KA,Anderson BJ,Laffel 5 Dunn SM. Psychological is e8 in diabetes management: blood glucose LM.Use of a blood ducose monitoring manual to enhance monitoring momtoring and leamed helplessness.Pract D/abetes 1987:4:108.10. adherence in adults widi diabetes.A randomized controlled tria1.Arch Intern 6 Wvsocki T.Impact of bloed glucose monitoring OI71 diabetic control:obstacles Med 2o06:l66:689-95. and interventions.J Behav Med l999:12:183-203. I1 Bolen S,Feldman L,Vassy J,Wilson J,Yeh HC,MarinopoulOS S,et a1. 7 Vincze G.Bamer JC.Lopze D.Factors associated with adherence to se Systematic review:comparative effectiveness and safety of oral medications for monitoring of bloed glucose among persons with diabetes.Dhtbetes Educ 2004; type 2 diabetesmellitus.Annlntem Med 2007;Jul 16;Epub ahead of print. 30:II2-25. 12 Food and Drug Administration. Guidance for industry: patient reported 8 Peel E,Parry0,Douglas M,Lawton J.Blood glucose self-monitoringin non- outcome measures. Use in medical product development to support label insulin treated type 2 diabetes:a qualitative study of patien~ perspectives.Br claims.Draft guidance. February 2oo6. www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/ J Gen Pract 2004;54:183-8. 5460dft.pdf. 9 Ka rAJ,ParkerMM,Moffet HH,SpenceMM,Chan J,Ettner SL,et a1. Longitudinal study of new and prevalent use of serf-monitoring of bloed ducose.Diabetes Care 2oo6;29:1757-63. BMJ 2007;335:458-9 在病床边重新发现尊严 保持病人尊严的ABCD教学法 Rediscovering dignity at the bedside It is possible to teach the ABCD of preserving patients dignity 当Gerasim先生坐在他旁边甚至有时坐上一整夜的时候,对于他来说真的是一种安慰。Gerasim是惟一 一 个从不说谎的人。从他的所作所为可以看出他是惟一一个清楚情况而且对此不加掩饰的人。因此这种关 系对于他来说是个安慰。 — — 列夫·托尔斯泰《伊凡 ·伊里奇之死》 在牛津英语字典中,尊严的意思是指“一种被


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