美国文学 托马斯杰弗逊.ppt

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美国文学 托马斯杰弗逊

It clearly represented the increasing desire of the people for freedom and justice. Furthermore, it also expressed the importance of the different rights of the people including the unalienable right to revolt against foreign rule. Add to that, this declaration emphasized the significance of liberty, life and pursuit of happiness for everyone. ~The End~ Thank you! History and Anthology of American Literature 制作者:…… 2013.03.10 Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) 1、Brief introduction 2、Contributions and influence 3、Thoughts and politics 4、The Declaration of Independence Contents: Brief Introduction Born: 13 April 1743 Birthplace: Albemarle, Virginia Family background: a family closely related to some of the most prominent individuals in Virginia, planter aristocrat Went to William and Mary College for 2-year study, prepared the practice of law. Elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1769. Represented Virginia in the Second Continental Congress in 1775. Brief Introduction Drafted the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Governor of Virginia (1779–81) Went to Paris to assist Franklin and Adams in treaty negotiations (1784) Remained in Paris to succeed Franklin as American minister(1784) Worked as the first American Secretary of State in Washington’s Cabinet. Elected to the vice—presidency Won the election of 1800 and served for two terms President. Brief Introduction Founded the national library (Library of Congress) Founded the University of Virginia, designed the main building and became the first president of this university.(1819) Died:4 July 1826 Contributions and influence ① Introduced a conception of democracy to America, where the people might have a fresh start toward liberty, selfhood, and that excellence which he sought in all things. ②Created and leaded the Democratic Republican party, the predecessor of the Democratic party. Contributions and influence ③Drafted


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